Thank You Heartbreak with Chelsea Leigh Trescott
When it comes to heartbreak, most people fear it. But not Chelsea, who believes in feeling and appreciating it all. On this podcast, Breakup Coach Chelsea Leigh Trescott explores the upside of heartbreak, shedding light on how breaking points are our greatest opportunity to become meaningful, relatable human beings who are stronger in love, life, and character.
Thank You Heartbreak with Chelsea Leigh Trescott
259: Be Honest with Dr. Cortney Warren
Clinical psychologist and author Dr. Cortney Warren is an expert on addictions, self-deception, romantic relationships, eating pathology, and the practice of psychology from a cross-cultural perspective. In today’s episode, she joins Chelsea 9:45 minutes in to talk about her latest self-help book on breakups, Letting Go of Your Ex: CBT Skills to Heal the Pain of a Breakup and Overcome Love Addiction.
Gems from this episode: overcoming love addiction with radical self-honesty, the skill of self-forgiveness, the courage to be honest with yourself and therein free to choose the life that aligns with who you really are, understanding why your own boundaries are so important to your own mental health, the power of the post-breakup pause, dating as an experiment and initiative of self-discovery, and why living and loving with your eyes wide open increases self-esteem and self-efficacy, decreases self-deception, and sets you up for a life of least regret.
Dr. Cortney Warren
Website: https://drcortney.com
Letting Go of Your Ex: via Amazon
TEDx Talks: Honest Liars
Psychology Today: Blog
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