Inside Lyme Podcast with Dr. Daniel Cameron

Lyme disease and your dog

Dr. Daniel Cameron Season 7 Episode 1

Lyme Disease and Your Dog

Welcome to our educational series on Lyme disease. Today, we'll discuss how to protect yourself and your loved ones, including your pets, from tick-borne diseases.

Let's start with a story. One of my patients took precautions by using DEET and wearing clothes treated with pyrethrum. He also had a dog that wore a tick collar and was checked for ticks regularly. Despite this, he woke up with a deer tick attached.

Ticks can carry several diseases, not just Lyme disease. These include Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Babesia, and the Powassan virus. It's crucial to be aware of these risks."

Many patients use DEET, recommended by the CDC, for tick prevention. However, DEET is more effective against mosquitoes. I've had patients report tick bites despite using DEET."

Pyrethrum is another option. It can be applied to clothing, but not directly to the skin. It's effective, but can cause side effects like dizziness and headaches. Also, its effectiveness decreases with washing."


Risks with Dogs

Dogs can increase your risk of tick exposure. They can pick up ticks outside and bring them into your home. Even with tick prevention measures, ticks can still be a problem.

I recommend using a dust vac on furniture before sitting next to your dog. This can help reduce the risk of ticks in your home."

It's best to avoid letting your dog sleep in your bed. Ticks can leave your dog and bite you without you noticing."

Special Concerns for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women need to be especially careful. Tick bites can pose risks to both mother and baby. Avoiding tick bites is crucial, and if you do get bitten, consult your doctor immediately."

Practical Advice

Here are some practical tips:

1. Use a dust vac on furniture before sitting with your dog.

2. Avoid letting your dog into the bedroom.

3. Perform regular tick checks on yourself and your pets after spending time outdoors.

4. Pregnant women should consult their doctor if bitten by a tick." 


 While dogs are wonderful companions, they can increase your risk of tick exposure. By taking these precautions, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from tick-borne diseases. Thanks for watching, and stay tuned for more tips on staying safe from Lyme disease.