Inside Lyme Podcast with Dr. Daniel Cameron

Top Causes of Treatment Delay

Dr. Daniel Cameron Season 7 Episode 10

Welcome! Today, we're discussing the top causes of treatment delays for Lyme disease that I've encountered in my practice."


Case Study: An 18-Month Struggle


One of my patients was ill for 18 months. She had a tick bite and an atypical rash. Her ELISA titer was positive for Lyme disease, but she had only two IgG western blot bands. Despite multiple evaluations, Lyme disease was considered but dismissed after a negative test. She presented with Chronic Neurologic Lyme and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and required extensive treatment due to these delays. Fortunately, she improved after treatment, but the delay made her recovery more challenging.


Top Causes of Treatment Delays


Here are the top causes of treatment delays I see in my practice:


1.  Absence of a Tick Bite: Many patients don't recall being bitten by a tick, leading to delays in considering Lyme disease.

2.  Absence of a Rash: Not all Lyme disease patients develop a rash, which can cause misdiagnosis.

3.  Atypical Rash: Only one in four Lyme disease cases present with the classic bull’s eye pattern.

4.  Equivocal or Negative Tests for Lyme: Inconsistent or negative test results can lead to delays in diagnosis.

5.  Equivocal or Negative Tests for Co-Infections: Co-infections like Babesia may not be detected, complicating diagnosis.

6.  Dismissal as Another Illness: Symptoms may be mistaken for chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastroparesis, or other conditions.

7.  Inadequate Public Health Information: Lack of awareness and information can lead to delays in seeking appropriate care.

8.  Poor Understanding of the Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease: Misinterpretation of symptoms by both patients and healthcare providers.

9.  Stigma Associated with the Diagnosis of Lyme Disease: Fear of stigma can prevent patients from seeking a diagnosis.

10.  Difficulties Finding a Doctor Who Will Treat Lyme Disease: Limited access to Lyme-literate doctors can delay treatment.

11.  Reliance on Symptomatic Treatment or Alternative Treatments: Focusing on symptomatic relief without considering Lyme disease.

12.  Reluctance of Professionals to Consider Lyme Disease: Some healthcare providers are hesitant to diagnose Lyme disease.


Addressing the Challenges


Addressing these challenges requires raising awareness, improving diagnostic methods, and ensuring better access to doctors experienced in treating Lyme disease. Patients and healthcare providers need to be informed about the varied presentations and complexities of Lyme disease.




Understanding the causes of treatment delays helps us improve the timely diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. If you or someone you know is experiencing unexplained symptoms, consider consulting a doctor experienced in treating Lyme disease. Thank you for watching, and stay tuned for more insights on Lyme disease.