Inside Lyme Podcast with Dr. Daniel Cameron
You are listening to a show dedicated to discussing actual cases. Dr. Cameron has been treating adolescents and adults with Lyme disease and related tick-borne infections for more than 30 years. The advice given is general and not intended as specific advice as to any particular patient. If you require specific advice, you will need to seek that advice from an experienced professional.
Inside Lyme Podcast with Dr. Daniel Cameron
My patient was reluctant to question his doctor about Lyme disease
My patient took a "bury-your-head-in-the-sand" viewpoint toward Lyme disease, which did not help him. He had been ill for over two years, suffering from severe fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, headaches, poor concentration, irritability, neck pain, chest pain, palpitations, stomach pains, and joint pain. He remained ill despite having been evaluated by a number of specialists to rule out other illnesses. He was reluctant to consider Lyme disease or tick-borne infection without a positive test.
His condition significantly affected his quality of life, and he experienced increasing frustration as each specialist he consulted was unable to identify the cause of his symptoms. Despite his worsening condition, he was hesitant to pursue a diagnosis of Lyme disease due to a lack of definitive test results and a belief that it was unlikely without a positive test or known tick bite.
His family, concerned about his deteriorating health, encouraged him to reconsider his reluctance and seek treatment for Lyme disease. After much persuasion, he agreed to undergo treatment. He was successfully treated with doxycycline followed by a combination of Zithromax and Malarone for Lyme disease with Babesia coinfection. The improvement in his symptoms was remarkable; his fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms began to resolve.
He is now kicking himself for taking that "bury-your-head-in-the-sand" viewpoint and not considering Lyme disease earlier. His experience underscores the importance of considering Lyme disease as a potential diagnosis in patients with persistent, unexplained symptoms, even in the absence of a positive test or known tick bite. Early intervention and treatment can prevent prolonged suffering and lead to significant improvements in health.