What the Kids Were Watching
What the Kids Were Watching
"Weekend at Bernie's": The Movie That Won't Die
“Weekend at Bernie’s” was released in 1989. But 30 years later, people who haven't seen the movie still know its premise. So why won’t this film die?
In the second episode of What the Kids Were Watching, Sarah and Raf take a journey deep into the heart of 80s movie stereotypes. Hear about the high points of “Weekend at Bernie’s," like Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman’s hotness; the low points, like how most of the women are “furniture with boobs;" and the surprisingly great performances, like Terry Kiser as the titular “dead mobster marionette." You’ll also hear fun facts about the movie, like how Bernie’s house was built on an environmentally protected beach — Sarah has questions about this — as well as the film’s sequel...just kidding; they refuse to talk about the film’s terrible sequel. (Bonus feature: You can hear Sarah’s beloved dog Verona running around, flapping her ears, and snorting, all free of charge.)