Training & Assessment Professional Development

When the Trainer needs Coaching

Donna Moulds Season 7 Episode 3

Segment 1: Recognizing the Need to Train Yourself

Ask yourself:

  • Am I feeling less motivated, stuck, or overwhelmed?
  • Do I find myself going through the motions rather than feeling inspired?
  • Am I struggling to adapt to new requirements, technologies, or expectations?

Segment 2: Using Self-Reflective Questions

Here are a few that I turn to when I need to center myself:

  1. What am I really feeling about this change or challenge? Be honest with yourself. Naming the feeling without judgment can help you see it clearly and create space for the right response.
  2. How would I approach this if I were guiding a learner? We often know exactly what to say to support others. Flip that knowledge inward and imagine that you’re your own trainee.
  3. What aspects of this situation are within my control? Identify what you can influence—like your mindset, the strategies you apply, or the support you seek out—and release what’s beyond your control.
  4. What is one small action I can take today? When things feel overwhelming, it’s the small actions that build momentum. Think of it as a micro-learning step, just like with a learner.
  5. What am I afraid of losing or risking by making this change? This question can bring out hidden fears or anxieties. Addressing them openly helps us move forward more confidently.
  6. What strengths have helped me overcome challenges in the past, and how can I use them now? Reflect on past successes and the qualities that got you through. It’s a reminder of your resilience.

Segment 3: Shifting Your Mindset as a Trainer

Segment 4: Practical Self-Coaching Techniques

Segment 5: Embracing Support and Building Your Community

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