Ty Wilson Law Podcast

PODCAST #274 Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer - Choke points in Georgia Workers Compensation

Ty Wilson

Look, Ty Wilson here. I'm Georgia Workers Compensation attorney practicing law in the state of Georgia. and our video topic for today is choke points and what we mean by choke points are. What are some of the things in workers compensation claims that can cause unnecessary delay denial, frustration what have you? And so, when someone first gets injured on the job one of the most important things they can do at that point in time is provide notice to their employer that they've been hurt and that they like medical care for their injury. So, that is a choke point. If you don't give them notice currently within 90 days well they can deny the claim and the courts will support them in that decision. And so, it's critical that you file the workers compensation claim with your boss and or supervisor who may send you to HR may handle it themselves but you tell them head to toe everything that feels funny or different as a result of the injury. and make sure that you are explaining what your injuries are so that they can investigate it. If it's a very serious injury, well, you may be carted off by ambulance and then you wanna contact your employer by telephone if they're not there in the hospital which they may or may not be and you wanna just let them know, "Obviously I was heard at work I'm gonna need medical care." And then once you are released from the hospital, they will set you up with the medical care. Choosing of the doctors, that is another choke point. What is supposed to happen? Is the employer is supposed to have something called a posted panel of physicians? There are multiple versions of a posted panel of physicians  there is what we call the traditional. There are multiple forms with as little as six doctors and as many as a managed care organization which is like a telephone book of doctors. And so, and there's in between. And so, there are many different forms of opposed to panel physicians this is why it's very important that  upon being injured you speak to your employer and you say, "Look, I've been hurt. I need to get care for my injuries this is a work injury claim." If they refuse at that point in time you really need to reach out to counsel, legal counsel and speak to a workers compensation attorney...

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