Ty Wilson Law Podcast

PODCAST #282 Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer - Customer Assaults Employee, Employer Denies Liability, What Can She Do?

Ty Wilson

We were contacted the day by someone who works at a bar. "One night a customer assaulted her during her work. She filed a police report. And the police said, "Unless she knows who her attacker was they cannot do anything." So, the employer will not pay for her hospital bills. And she has no health insurance. What should she do?" this is a case where she potentially has a workers compensation claim so long as she was not on break or was not off the clock if she was in the course and scope of her employment meaning doing the work that she was hired to do at that bar then she was employed and as long as she wasn't intoxicated either by drugs or alcohol or horse playing she should have a workers compensation claim which will at least provide her to the medical care she needs and if the doctor thinks she needs to be out of work well then she could qualify for income benefits stay safe!

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