Ty Wilson Law Podcast
We attempt to provide helpful information to Georgians. If you have questions text us at 912-233-1100 or call us. You can also email me directly at Ty@TyWilsonLaw.com. Stay safe, Ty
Ty Wilson Law Podcast
PODCAST #283 Georgia Workers' Compensation Lawyer - What is Discovery In A Georgia WC Claim?
So, what is discovery In a workers compensation claim in Georgia? Well, discovery can mean several things but it's usually written documentation. It can also be a deposition. But typically you see them most commonly in what are called request for admissions where you are requesting that the other party admit that a statement is true. Interrogatories: Fancy word for questions, to where someone ask a question and is seeking information back to answer that question. And then request for production of documents. Well, pretty straightforward. That is when you are saying, "I would like to request this particular document. If they have it, they can either produce it or they could object to producing it. Same thing within derogatories you answer the question or you can object to answering the question as long as you do so properly. And then request for admissions. Those are different animal. Either admit or deny them. Or do not have enough information for them. Stay safe!
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