The Kid Critics
The Kid Critics
Stranger Things Season 2
The Kid Critics take on the hit Netflix show, Stranger Things (Season 2). We talk through the characters, plot, and some of our favorite scenes from season 2.
Speaker 2:Hi, I'm Grady. And my coast is always our own and James and we are the kid critics podcast today. We will, we will be reviewing stranger things season two. Yeah. Okay. Um, so what is our out of 10 ranking on this season? Nine and a half out of 10. Nine and a half. Nine out of 10. I would just give it a nine out of 10 because I do not really like Bob and this season. So yeah, Bob's fine. Okay. Oh we didn't do a spoiler warning. Oh, Oh yes, yes. Euler alert. If you have not seen stranger things, season two do not listen to this podcast episode you heard about Bob. Yes, he is not thing. Yes. And um, so all the new characters in this season are max, Bob and Mary Marie. Oh yeah. And Marie Marie wasteland or season. No he's not. He's on the second season, the second season. And overall I like these characters except I mean I don't really like Bob. I like all of them. Max is, I like max, but I thought Bob was a good character cause I, I thought like it really like put another like thing and Joyce's life that she wasn't really true. Like her thing with hopper and stuff like that. That was funny. Um, like how she had like a really bad relationship with Lonnie and then how she actually had someone to[inaudible]. Um, so, um, at the start of the season and how, like Will's having these flashbacks to when he was in the upside down, what, what, what did it, what were you guys thinking? Like what do you guys think that was before we knew that it was the flashbacks to the upside down. Like what do you think was going on with will? Um, well at the end of season one he throws up a slug. So I, I was just kind of thinking, I guess he's not done. Like I probably, I thought a piece of the mind flare or the piece of the upside down and like came, gotten inside him or something. Well, yeah, cause like Joyce and hopper found them in the upside down and he was like stuck in his mouth like that. Gross too. And so, um, and then like right off the Vatican's episode one, you saw that like, um, max came to the, a new school, uh, she's new student or a new person in town and you saw that, uh, Lucas and Dustin both really like her. And, um, so when you guys think about that, um, I kinda wanna dust and have her, but okay. Bad word choice, but now the Lucas and her dating, that's fine. But yeah, I kinda want to Dustin to get three at the end of season two. They kiss dummy. Yeah. When they're all dancing the, sorry, nevermind. Although it was a good Dean at the end when Dustin and Nancy were dancing and the snowball, that was, yeah, that was good. Okay. Um, and then, so was our favorite character on the season, Dustin, Dustin, just the same. Um, and actually starting to be Steve. Steve gets good in the truth and starts being really close friends with us. I really liked Steve and, uh, Dustin's relationship. And we have to talk about Halloween. How their Ghostbusters. That was legit uncle. Yeah, most cool. And then like how um, Mike was fighting with Lucas about being Bankman but yeah. And then also it was either episode two or three where they found out that um, were hopper found out that 11 was still alive. Yeah. No. What did you guys think about that when it was first discovered that she was still walking? At least she wasn't bald. True. True. I thought, although I think she had in season one she's had the best hair and all of stranger things. Season three. Well no, I think they should have like maybe I get it and it showed like when she like destroyed the demogr Oregon and in season one, like she went to the upside down. But like even in season three, like they don't ever really explain like what the upside down is. It's just an[inaudible]. I know, but there's like a lot of things that they haven't explained. Like why is the upside down identical to the real world? Just really gross. And why do the people in the upside down want to kill all the humans? Yeah. There's no people in the upside down the Delt. What? I mean, yeah. Oh, speaking of demo Gorgons and all that type stuff. I hate the demo dogs. That's the only reason the season is not a ton on time for me. I feel like the is fun. But the[inaudible] killed the cat. Oh yeah. That was how he just ate him. And then like, I thought it was really funny. This is like the part where Dustin, like you really got to know Dustin, how he can be caring. And the same time when he and his mom or grandma, whoever it was, um, he, his mom went, tried to go find uh, what was his cat's name? I don't know. But, um, and then he goes snuggles and um, he then went to go try to find his cat. And he was, you know, he could see that. And he was caring for his mom when she was in a tough place when they, it was obvious that he knew his cat died cause he saw him being a muse. Muse, muse, muse. And um, so yeah, I just liked dart a lot even though he's, uh, yeah, the only other thing that kind of takes the season down a notch cause it's just thrown in there for kind of no reason is, um, the seventh episode, the last sister, which is about 11, I feel like they're just, it's just weird. I feel like they should have like, but it's cool. Aimed it more. The one thing that was cool about that was they say dr Connors is still alive. Renner. I say doc, Oh that's the wizard in the amazing spot. Whatever. Nobody cares. Um, I thought it was good, but I don't really think they should have made an entire episode about it. They probably should've just done like a half an episode maybe that would, that would be, yeah. And they didn't really do any explaining to it. Like, and also how elect the whole thing with 11 running away from all their friends and stuff and like how she thought that, um, everything that's like bringing max and not max max interfering with 11 and Mike, um, I just don't really like all that. And then how 11 ran away. How I just thought it would have been so much better. How if it, um, I wish 11 came back earlier and yeah, that's what I was just gonna say. Cause it's just, it's, it just doesn't feel the same. Well I do have to say she comes back at like the very end of episode, like eight or seven and she comes back and she hugs Mike. I think the best two episodes in all of stranger things including season three and season one are the finale of this season. I feel like it's really intense because I put it to now in season three is amazing. I don't really, I don't love no spoilers guys. I know. Um, what did we like about Jonathan and Nancy? Um, I thought, I thought this is when I saw that like Nancy actually, I mean she can still be no like high school girls in the 80s, but um, she can like how she started, you know, so much about high school girls in the[inaudible]. But you can see that like Jonathan is starting to become a better character in this season. And that's true. But yeah, and um, Oh actually no. How I said that it doesn't lead up to episode seven and it kinda does at the very, very beginning of the first episode, how it shows, um, how it shows eight and all of her like the rest of her gang, um, robbing a bank or whatever. So I was very confused on that part. So what do you mean? Like why were you confused? Because I did not know like what was going on. I didn't know that. I thought 11 was the only one. Oh no. Well he's 11 wouldn't there be one, two, three 40 things? One though. This is kidding. This is actually a popular theory and I kind of believed that my players one. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard that. I think that's pretty cool. And Mike and I also this also in this season, it shows like, it shows that like the kids, the boys are all nerds and stuff in the first season. But like at the beginning of this episode, it truly shows how they are nerds playing the video games at the arcade. How max doesn't want to get[inaudible]. I really liked that scene because was a kid. Yeah. It just really showed this how good. Okay. Give me a song. This song at the beginning again. Oh, and I was so confused. Did you guys like the a episode? I'm eight or something. Yeah, I liked the last episodes. I think that the best finale out of any season and two of the best episodes, it all straight down except Bob died. I know. I hate Bob, but I still cried when he died because it was just so gory and Joyce was so sad. And then that doesn't make a lot of sense. What, how can you hate Bob and then cry when he dies? Because he added a lot to the story. I just didn't like how weird he was. He was just weird. And I didn't really like Bob's personality, but I like what he added to the story and I think a hopper and Joyce would have been so much better. Like honestly. Yeah. Um, yeah, I feel like they might get together in the later seasons. That'd be really cool. Yeah. So more about Jonathan and Nancy. Um, what, how they're in the park in chapter four. And then there's people that like try to come kidnap them. No, they kind of do not remember that when they're in the car hiding from people at the party and then the people would take them to the Hawkins lab. Yeah. And then I remember that. And then, yeah, that was interesting. So we need to talk about more about Hawkins lab. Well, Hawkins lab isn't really a big deal. I remember cause it, yeah, I think it's just one. It's just a thing. I was just like a doctor's office. Yeah. But that's what they said. And then she really like underground. There's still all those people. I'm trying to crack open the upside down with, um, Dr. Owens and um, Tim Ellen's is Dr. Rollins. You know the guy know here. Yeah. And then I thought he was like, supposed to be like the bad guy, like Brenner in the first season. But then I thought, and then at the end it shows that he is actually like really caring. He can be really caring and um, he, he, it shows that he truly cares about will and 11 cause he really wanted to help them even though it didn't really feel like that. What did you guys think that a will was like at the spy for the monster and that type of stuff and that the monster could see through? Well that was cool. I just thought it was different, but I still really liked that. Like that part I'm where there in the tree house trying to like crack open. We'll try to get up the mind flare out of him. And um, so what do you guys think about that? I thought it was really cool. Like the, I like the mind player can like see like everything that's going on. That was really cool. Yeah. I was like, will spy and are you okay? Yeah. Okay. And um, yeah, so like what was the spy? He was having these weird episodes of whatever, the upside down and I just did not, I kinda liked it. Not really. I liked it. I think, I thought it was cool when we'll use like the Morse code stuff. Oh yeah. I was tapping on this chair. Yeah. So Morse code, I just, I don't know. It doesn't matter. You probably learned it cause they are nerds. Yeah. And I thought it really led up to this. You guys probably haven't thought about this, but a lot of the stuff that, a big thing about season two was actually about Morse code. How about 11 and hopper? We're trying to talk to each other with the beeps through the police thing. Yeah. Yeah. And then yeah, that's like kind of a big thing. The Morse code is kind of a big thing in season two. Not, not really, but okay. Kind of. I guess. How did you guys like Billy Billy? Oh yeah. Another new character. Billy, I forgot about, I don't really, he was just kind of a, but knew Steve. Yeah. Except worse than knew Steve, except I liked the part where, Oh do we like the Halloween party Halloween party. Oh Nancy drunk. Drunk. Like she showed her Heidi painting and it showed her like what she really thought about Steve because I know bad for Steve then. Yeah, because I mean like I know she's drunk but I mean she's kind of just like revealing her true emotions for him. Cause now she's like actually willing to say that stuff since she's drunk. And I just kind of feel bad for Steve because he was, the only reason they liked each other is not because they had the same personality. It was because they like getting together. I mean that's seriously the only reason. Okay. That's anyway, what did you guys think of the tunnels and like the puzzle? Oh yeah, that was cool. And hopper getting stuck in the tunnels. Oh yeah. And then like all of them coming to rescue him and Steve being like, no. And then they're all like, well we're going to do it anyway. And I was like, well yeah, that was the, it seemed more like hopper, like got like trapped with all those like squid things and they were like pulling him back and stuff. Oh, you're talking about, those are the things that will threw up. Like do you think we'll throw up dark, uh, just like another demo organ baby or whatever? Or do you think he threw up one of those vines? Vine things. Fine. Cause the thing that was coming into him in season one was a vine. Yeah. Um, what do you guys think could have been like better about this season? Um, probably um, leading up to chop. I mean not chapter seven, episode seven. And um, yeah, that's true James. And like a lot of, I mean I get that it's stranger things and it kind of adds to the suspense. But there was like a lot of stuff going on. There was a lot of perspectives cause there was like Nancy and Jonathan and then there was um, like, Oh, like the kids and stuff. But I really liked Steve. And then there was Joyce and hopper and stuff. There was like a lot of moving parts to it. I think Joyce Joyce and hopper are basically the Jim and Pam of stranger things. Like it was so good because I mean, I just hide because they're like everybody's boiler alert for season three of cause it, you guys just, Oh my gosh, stop. They actually never, yeah, they never start dating or anything, but everybody wants them to, but they just never can. They never ended up doing. Yeah. And Jim and Pam are from the office if you don't know what the offices, but if you don't know what the office is relationship that everybody likes. Yeah. That's what I'm trying to get up here. And what do you think about like a Bob giving him the security camp, not security camera. A video tape thing and I'm giving it to will on Halloween and then he records the bullies. Oh yeah. And then it shows a picture of the mind flier. That's cool. Yeah, that was, yeah, I thought, and the thing about, um, all the characters and strange things there are so smart. Like no one would ever think about these things. Like will I'm not, will, um, Joyce, uh, recognizing the mind flair on the TV and the in season. And then in season one, how Dustin like figure this out, like the compass thing, you know, where he finds the directions to the gate. Oh yeah. Everybody just finds out what the smartest things and that no one else would figure. I mean their main characters of lights, the TV show, they're going to be super smart and good at stuff and they are very big nerds and they focus on school bunch. So yeah. And then I think that's like, I'm not really brains versus brawn, but kinda like brains and brawn and this with the kids because they're so smart and they can also be like really fierce. I'm really, Oh, they really help out their friends. And um, Oh, speaking of helping out friends did we like when Steve got beat up by Billy and then like max, like, um, did the shot. Yeah, well he was driving in the car and he was like Nancy. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That was funny. But, um, I also like how max, she's kinda just like the, um, um, she is Billy just not a bad person. Like I like how she was driving. She's like not, she's willing to, uh, stab her brother to save some. I mean, he was obviously gonna die like, cause they talked about and beyond stranger things. Um, um, how, uh, Billy he, he really hates a ton of people and he thinks it's gonna make them cool just to beat people up, but eventually it's just going to take it too far and it's going to get out of hand and he's going to kill someone on accident or something. So yeah. What did you guys think about Eleven's real mom? 11 small. Yeah. That was the scene where I had like the rainbow, like three to the left, four to the right thing, which that's kind of weird and creepy stuff. Yeah. And like it, it's horrible to like make her just do that for the rest of her life. Yeah. It's horrible. Yeah. So as our opinion changed on the ranking out of 10 for the season, after talking about it, I mean, I'd probably change it to an eight cause I forgot about episode seven. Oh, okay. Yeah. And still keep it about a nine or made to nine and a half. Yeah. But everything else was good. And actually, um, I, how the, I forgot about the mom thing. No, it was just kinda like those sad, how they put those things to her head and just made her crazy and she then she couldn't be with her daughter forever. Yeah. And yeah, so that was a stranger things. Season two. Um, if you enjoyed this podcast on stranger things, season two, make sure to give a good rating on Apple podcast and make sure to subscribe or follow us and we'll see you guys in the next step. So
Speaker 1:[inaudible].