Gender & Development
The Gender & Development podcast is brought to you by the Gender & Development journal - an international journal aiming to inspire and support development policy and practice for women’s rights and gender equality.
Gender & Development
Gender and Health
In this podcast, Gender & Development's Liz Cooke talks to the three co-editors of the Health issue of the journal.
Topics covered are:
- why a gender lens is important when considering health matters
- health inequities
- COVID-19 and its gendered impact
- building back better after the pandemic
Taking part are:
- Janice Cooper, Senior Project Adviser for the Carter Center's Liberia Mental Health Initiative
- Renu Khanna, a founding member and a Director at the NGO, SAHAJ-Society for Health Alternatives, India
- Sally Theobald, Professor and Chair in Social Science and International Health at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
Find out more about the Gender & Development Health issue