Lady Leadership - Careers and Business For Women

Are you on the road to burnout? What can you do to reduce your stress?

Samantha McIntyre Season 2 Episode 80

This week  in the Lady Leadership Jess Stuart and I talk about dealing with burnout in your career. Jess had been so focused on her career for so long that she got busy and was going along blindly in her life, it was a slow burn.  She had lost energy and couldn’t sleep but was tired all the time. She started checking out from things that she enjoyed. She withdrew from spending time with friends and going to the gym. She was so proud of her the life she had created but it wasn’t working for her. She found she wasn’t living in the moment. 

Jess threw her life up in the air. She literally burnt out - she spent the next couple of years trying to get to re know her self. There wasn’t a real plan. She decided that she was going to try a whole bunch of things that she enjoyed and see what worked. She went travelling and learnt so much about a different life for herself, 

Jess shares these strategies in her new book from Burnout to Brillance! I absolutely loved this chat with Jess and I know that you will as well. Jess has so much wisdom to share in this space. 

In this episode Jess shares her principles that reduce overwhelm and how you can implement these. 

Have a listen to the chat that I had with Jess I know that you are going to love it. 

You can get in touch with Jess at

About me

My name is Samantha McIntyre and after 30 years in business and technology - from starting out on the helpdesk to  the C suite, being on Executive boards and being a mother and entreprenuer!  I am passionate about helping women in their careers. 

What I have enjoyed the most in my roles is helping those around me succeed - particularly women!  

I have lead technology teams for some of the biggest businesses and brands in Australia and the world such as Tesco, Loreal, Coles, Woolworths, Sportsgirl and Target.

So  if you're looking for someone who knows what it is like to be a women in business and technology plus being a mother and an entrepreneur then you've come to the right place.


LinkedIn: Samantha McIntyre 
Twitter: sjmcintyre1
Facebook: @Samantha McIntyre
Instagram: @sammijmac and @lady.leadership