GCS Podcast

Leaning Towers

Season 1 Episode 11

It’s been reported that one of India’s great leaders, Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I don't reject your Christ. It is just that so many of you Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

A lot of people who go to church resemble Christians, but many appear to lack real authenticity, with no living, vital relationship with Jesus Christ. What causes some Christians to look less like Jesus and more like the world? What does YOUR life with Christ look like? Does it mirror Him, or do you feel like there are changes that need to be made in order for that to happen? And, if it doesn’t look like Christ, what is keeping you from being the person that God wants you to be?

To answer these questions, let's join Tony as he explores the stewardship of God’s truth through authentic evangelism, in his message “leaning Towers”.

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