Church Plant Chat
Hearing & learning from UK based Church Planters & Leaders about their experiences with Church Planting/Leadership; equipping emerging leaders/planters with wisdom from those who have gone before them with lessons they've learnt along the way! Email: churchplantchat@gmail.com We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram - simply type in @churchplantchat
Church Plant Chat
Planting from an Archdeacon's perspective: Archdeacon Adam Atkinson
Paul Pavlou
Season 2
Episode 31
Archdeacon of Charing Cross, Adam Atkinson, unpacks his journey of church planting/revitalisation and how he helped one church embrace different traditions as part of their growing well together. Adam takes us through his learnings as a church planter and also as an Archdeacon and shares what excites him about ministry and what the Spirit of God is doing.