Simple Stories in Spanish
Simple Stories in Spanish is a biweekly production of the Small Town Spanish Teacher. Listen along as she tells easy to understand stories to help you learn or practice the Spanish language. Wherever you are in your language journey, Simple Stories will help propel you forward. You can find transcripts of the stories at smalltownspanishteacher.com. You can support the creation of these stories by buying me a coffee (or taco!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SpanishTeacher
Simple Stories in Spanish
El milagro en los Andes
When the Old Christians Rugby Club chartered a flight from Uruguay to Chile, they were excited at the prospect of their upcoming match. The 45 passengers included the team and some family and friends. The plane hit turbulence over the Andes mountains resulting in a crash that would prove fatal for many on board. The remaining survivors were trapped on a snowy mountain, not knowing their fate.
This story does discuss death and other disturbing images, so listener discretion is advised.
This story is told in the third person and the past tense. Important vocabulary in the story includes: “chocó” (crashed), “avión” (plane), “fuselaje” (fuselage/main body of an aircraft), “heridas” (wounds/injuries), “siguieron” (continued/kept going) and “sobrevivientes” (survivors).
No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at https://smalltownspanishteacher.com/2023/12/30/simple-stories-in-spanish-el-milagro-en-los-andes/