Simple Stories in Spanish
Simple Stories in Spanish is a biweekly production of the Small Town Spanish Teacher. Listen along as she tells easy to understand stories to help you learn or practice the Spanish language. Wherever you are in your language journey, Simple Stories will help propel you forward. You can find transcripts of the stories at smalltownspanishteacher.com. You can support the creation of these stories by buying me a coffee (or taco!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SpanishTeacher
Simple Stories in Spanish
El hijo robot, parte 4
Benjamín is not like other children. He goes to school and enjoys playing, but he is not a normal child: he is a robot child. He had an accident in front of his friend Elian. Now, Elian and other kids are whispering about him and calling him a monster. Catalina and Gustavo are willing to do anything to protect their little family, but will it be enough?
This story is in the third person and the present tense with some future tense and subjunctive as well. Important vocabulary in the story includes: “se acerca” (approaches/nears), “vete” (go away), “piedras” (stones), and “abraza” (hugs).
No matter where you are in your language journey, stories will help you on your way. You can find a transcript of the story and read along at https://smalltownspanishteacher.com/2024/09/24/simple-stories-in-spanish-el-hijo-robot-parte-4/