Beautifully Broken
Lori Rohlinger is a former pastor's wife who has endured losing her husband to a rare disease but still remains positive that God has a plan for her widowed life. In her podcast, Lori shares her real life experiences from grief to joy and all the in-between. She is a single parent raising four children and learning what it looks like to move forward without the love of her life. Lori loves to share how good and faithful God has been to her, even in the midst of her Beautifully Broken life.
Beautifully Broken
307: When God is Silent in the Train Wreck
Lori Rohlinger
Season 3
Episode 7
My brother, Ric Engram, joins me this week to talk about a very personal "train wreck" of life he has walked through in recent years. What a bold and vulnerable testimony he gives to the goodness of God but also the valuable struggle he had when it felt like God was silent in the aftermath. You're going to love this one!
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