The SME Community Podcast

Episode 23: Lean and Digitisation- Becoming a Lean Business Machine - with Audrey McDonnell & Allyson English

Tipperary Local Enterprise Office & TBF Digital Marketing Agency

Are you  looking at your business wondering how you can increase efficiencies, productivity  or cut costs?   Then this is the podcast for you.  There is a programme that can help you identify where any time savings - and as a result -possibly financial savings - can be made and it’s called Lean for Micro.

In this episode Aisling meets Audrey McDonnell from  Sola are a Tipperary based Energy Efficiency Supplier to the Retrofit and New Build Market and have been featured on RTE’s Room to Improve with Dermot Bannon.  An incredibly progressive business Sola have undertaken the LEAN programme twice to help make their processes more efficient and grow their business.  

Aisling  is also joined by Allyson English of Jigsaw Better Business Solutions who delivers the LEAN programme for LEO Tipperary who shares tips on how you can drive growth by digitising your business and what to consider when going LEAN with your business. 

You can find out more about the LEAN for Micro programme on

If you have any questions you can get in touch with the LEO Tipperary office in Clonmel or talk to them via Twitter or Instagram @LEOTipperary using the hashtag #SMECommunityPodcast

You can visit Audrey at

Allyson English is on

You can talk to us on Twitter or Instagram @tbfcentral or visit us at

The SME Community Podcast Production Team

LEO Tipperary Team:

Madeline Ryan

Ita Horan

TBF Production Team:

Research & Host Aisling Hurley

Sound Engineer Derry Luttrell