Vixen: Black Beauty and Pop Culture
Where would pop culture be without the beauty and aesthetics of black women? Our aesthetics and likenesses are constantly on display in fashion, film, music videos, lyrics, and more. On Vixen, a weekly podcast, the role black women and their beauty play in today's culture is discussed and analyzed, with each episode focusing on a different subject.
Vixen: Black Beauty and Pop Culture
Film Review Finale: Sex Positive Black Girls In Film
Season 3
Episode 11
It's that time again- this time, we discuss the following movies; Girl 6, Just Another Girl On The IRT, and She's Gotta Have It! We talk about the importance of films and shows focused on black girlhood, comparable movies and shows from recent times, results from a poll on all three films, and a Q&A at the end. It's the finale episode yet again- the show is BACK 7/7/21!!!!
AfokoSkin: www.afokoskin.com CODE: VIXEN10
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/thevixenmemoirs
Music: https://soundcloud.com/vhslogos