The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
Asset Integrity—Why there are no famous asset managers
Assets are everywhere. They are the things, physical and digital, that make up the systems we work with. When they work as designed and planned, to meet their objectives, the people who manage them go un-noticed. But these are the people who keep the risk of using them as low as reasonably practicable.
00:56 Chris Knowles, an introduction
02:07 Asset integrity and why it’s important
03:42 The whole lifecycle of asset management
06:54 The asset management is needed to keep risks as low as reasonably practicable
07:58 The criticality of system design
09:01 Asset decisions beyond safety
12:05 What’s coming up in this asset integrity series
14:13 Summary and close
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When Software Goes Wrong - Digital Asset Integrity on the Railway – blog from the first in that podcast series, with links to other blogs and resources: https://www.rssb.co.uk/what-we-do/insights-and-news/blogs/digital-asset-integrity-one-path-to-reducing-railway-risk
The Asset Integrity Group’s web page: https://www.rssb.co.uk/what-we-do/groups-and-committees/safety/system-safety-risk-group/asset-integrity-group
Rolling Stock Asset Integrity web page: https://www.rssb.co.uk/safety-and-health/leading-health-and-safety-on-britains-railway/rolling-stock-asset-integrity
Infrastructure Asset Integrity web page: https://www.rssb.co.uk/safety-and-health/leading-health-and-safety-on-britains-railway/infrastructure-asset-integrity
Red 62 video – Asset Integrity (RSSB members and Affiliates only): https://www.rssb.co.uk/safety-and-health/learning-from-experience/red-safety-videos/red-62-asset-integrity