The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast

SMIS - Building the user expereince

RSSB Season 1 Episode 49

SMIS is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2022. Hear something of its history, its reason for being, and what it has done for our industry. How SMIS supports risk modelling and safety decision making.

 00:48  Introducing Kevin Thompson

01:16 The origins of SMIS after the 1988 Clapham rail crash

02:39  How SMIS functionality and technology have developed

03:34  The components that make up SMIS today

05:26  How SMIS supports RSSB’s work

06:36  How SMIS helps rail companies

07:08  How RSSB supports SMIS users

08:36  The value that SMIS delivers to risk modelling and decision making

09:53  Close

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