The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
Health and Wellbeing - Dealing with prostate cancer
This is the first in a series on specific health conditions. In this episode, recorded in Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, an RSSB employee talks with one of our health and wellbeing specialists about his experience of diagnosis, and the support received during treatment.
00:43 About Deb Archibald
01:04 About Tavid Dobson and discovering his cancer
02:05 Tavid talks about his treatment options
02:30 Making sense and making decisions
03:34 The impact and support at work
04:31 The support mechanisms that worked for Tavid
05:37 How to respond and support
07:14 On men, talking about having cancer
08:27 Deb closes with talking to colleagues and where to find more information
You may also be interested in:
Prostate Cancer UK
NHS UK prostate cancer
Prostate cancer information - Cancer Research UK
Macmillan Cancer Support - Prostate cancer
Macmillan Prostate Cancer Forum