The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
The Rail Safety and Standards Board Podcast
Asset Integrity - A systems management approach to deliver value
Are you getting the best value from your assets? Could your asset management approach be improved? In this episode we look at ISO 55001 as a possible framework for better asset management.
00:53 Asset management in today’s economic context
01:59 What to include in an asset management approach
02:15 Which framework to use for asset management
03:23 What’s in ISO 55001
04:25 The what to do, not how to do it
04:48 Understanding the context of your own organisation
05:40 Why a rail organisation would want to adopt ISO 55001
06:40 Selecting the standards that work for your organisation
07:54 Allocating and prioritising the right resources to your plan
09:03 Finding the right (external) resources to implement your plan
10:22 Is this the right thing for your organisation? Do you have the data to answer the question?
11:50 Some examples of the ROI from implementing ISO 55001
12:50 Use ISO 55001 as a tool; it’s not the answer
13:30 Summary and close
You may be interested in
Getting started with ISO 55001 https://www.bsigroup.com/en-GB/Asset-Management/Getting-started-with-ISO-55001/
Introducing ISO 55001 Maximizing the value of your assets– PDF download (1.2 MB) https://www.bsigroup.com/LocalFiles/en-GB/iso-55001/resources/ISO-55001-Client-Guide.pdf
ISO 55001 supports UN Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13. https://www.iso.org/sdgs.html