The Nomadic Executive | Discussions With Digital Nomads and Online Entrepreneurs
The Nomadic Executive | Discussions With Digital Nomads and Online Entrepreneurs
Through Hell and Back, Beating Cancer and Building a Business While Traveling the World With Kamelia Britton | TNE084
What if one day, you receive news that just makes the world crumble beneath your feet? Would you simply lose all hope and wait for the end to come or would you fight to make each day count and chase after your dreams? Kamelia Britton did just that. In this week’s episode, I got the chance to sit down with Kamelia to talk about her incredibly inspiring story. Kamelia is a former nurse turned travel blogger. It was all going perfectly until she got diagnosed with cancer. In this week’s episode, I got the chance to sit down with Kamelia to talk about her incredibly inspiring story.
Kamelia’s digital nomad story started off like any other. But then, she got diagnosed with the big C. The news hit her hard. In this episode, Kamelia goes into detail about how she struggled and coped with cancer. She also reveals how she eventually overcame it! Moreover, Kamelia also talks about how she now USES HER EXPERIENCES to EMPOWER those who find themselves in difficult situations and GUIDE them to create a meaningful and profitable online presence. And most importantly, Kamelia shares some incredibly valuable lessons that can help you in your own life journey
Kamelia Britton’s website: https://hackerette.com/
[4:08]What Kamelia did after being a nurse for 17 years
[5:45]How an error fare changed Kamelia’s life
[7:51]Life has a strange way of directing you to places you never thought you’d go
[21:26]The extraordinary way Kamelie beat the odds
[28:16]Kamelia’s definition of personal brands
[29:37]Live your life according to your values
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The Nomadic Executive Episode 84: Through Hell and Back, Beating Cancer and Building a Business While Traveling the World With Kamelia Britton
Imagine going through hell and back while chasing your dreams and winning through with sheer will and determination. We're joined by a guest today that has one crazy story about defying all odds and becoming a beacon of light to those around her. We're joined by Kamelia Britton, a digital nomad and travel blogger who helps other women create businesses around what they love.
Kamelia is probably one of the most positive souls I've ever spoken to on this podcast. And considering her story, it makes me super stoked to be able to have a conversation with her. I won't leave any spoilers in this but this is one episode that will leave you feeling refreshed and with a renewed sense of inspiration. Tune in.
Remember nomad fam, we've got some incredibly value-filled episodes planned out for you. So please hit that subscribe button and leave a review. Your review helps this podcast become more visible and ultimately inspire more people just like you. My name is Omar Mo and this is The Nomadic Executive.
You're listening to The Nomadic Executive hosted by Omar from nomadables.com. Join Omar as he sits down and speaks with leading online entrepreneurs, remote workers and digital nomads about everything from business strategy to travel and lifestyle design. Together, we're here to help you achieve a life of happiness, health and freedom. And now here's your host, Omar Mo.
All right, Kamelia Britton. Welcome to The Nomadic Executive. Super stoked to have you on, you have an awesome personal brand. You have an incredible online business, you've traveled the world, you're living the dream that many people including people in my own audience and me not so long ago dreamed itmyself to be able to be doing and you're living it and you've had this incredible transitionary journey.
You were a nurse at some point. And now you're doing what you want to be doing every single day whenever you want. And you're helping tons and tons of people while doing it. So I know I kept that very obscure and vague. But why don't you actually tell my audience, a little elevator pitch about the beginnings of your story and what you do?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so long story short, I was a nurse for 17 years, and I was just over it and burnout and I just wanted to travel and be free. And yeah, I just really started traveling in my nursing job and then just really wanted to release the nursing and make travel my job. And so I started a travel blog back in 2016 did really well with that.
And then I was at the right place at the right time, I became an influencer overnight, which was not really what I ever planned on doing. But that's how it just happened to be. And then I was able to quit my nursing job in 2008. And doing Instagram coaching because people were asking me how I was doing it and all that kind of stuff.
And then in 2019, I got cancer, which was a whole crazy detour of Love Field. And so I wasn't able to travel for a year. And so I just really leaned into the coaching side of my brain, which ended up being a blessing in disguise, because then COVID hit and then travel was crazy anyway. And yeah, for the past couple of years, since 2018, I've just really been expanding upon my coaching business, teaching Instagram.
I teach personal branding, mindset, business, and all that good stuff, and also blogging and stuff like that, since I've led myself through all of that. And now I'm healed and whole, which is amazing. I'm back out traveling, I'm back out, living the free life as much as possible with the certain restrictions and everything.
And I'm super blessed. And I'm just really passionate about legacy, after all my health journey and just really supporting people just like me, who really just want to live life to the fullest and live in their gifts and share their purpose.
Sure, you've lived a hell of a roller coaster over the past five years. That's nice to hear.
Kamelia Britton
It's been crazy.
From one thing to another. So going back to your nursing job over here, you said you were a nurse for 17 years. So it's quite some time. What was that pivotal moment for you where you realize you didn't want to be a nurse anymore?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, it was. So for the first 10 years, I loved it. I'm a science nerd. And I was like, really fascinated with how we could put an IV in people and infuse things and it worked and it would heal. And I just found that really fascinating. And so I was really interested in it and loved it. And I was learning and growing and learning and growing.
And then after about 10 years, I got to where I was in a place where not that I knew everything by any means. But I felt a little bit capped and I'm such a enneagram seven, like probably most of you are and my soul needs to be free. And I felt like I needed expansion. And I was really wanting more and more freedom and more just capability to just be limitless and not be kept on my income or kept on whatever. And I really just had this call for that.
And so I started to also just get burnt out because I wasn't being challenged anymore in these new ways. And I was looking for more challenges and wanting to expand and my mind was hungry for something new.
And yeah, I really started looking into different businesses and one of my first businesses was I started it's like match.com for homecare. Like basically it was called a home caregiver Connect. I bought dating site software and I modified it from I'm a man looking for a woman to I'm a caregiver looking for a career seeker. I changed ages the pay rates, I changed hobbies and specialties. You get the idea
So I'm basically built that and it was going on well. And then I realized I just worked myself into another job that I actually didn't like. So there was no joy in that. And so after a couple years, I released it with love and just went back to nursing.
And so then after that, I built a brick and mortar business, which was I'm a Reiki Master and instructor. I'm all about mind body, soul work and healing. I'm a nurse. I'm like a total healer from the inside.
And so I went the whole other way. I built a brick and mortar business, and oh, yeah, so Reiki is like energy healing. So it's like energy work and stuff like that. And it's its own energy healing. And so I was doing sessions with that. And I was doing meditations and all this kind of healing work. And this was back in 2014. And so again, my soul wanted to be free. And I felt trapped in a room healing other people. And I was like, I need to be free, I need to be free.
And funny enough, the travelers will love this. It's like, I ended up getting an error fare, which is a mistake fare for $325 to go around the world for six weeks. So I took it. And of course, I took it.
And I took a break from my business because I was already feeling a bit trapped, and it was already weighing on me. And when I got back from my six weeks around the world, I decided, once again, this is not it either. There's something that's I felt a little bit trapped, and I need to be free. So once again, I released it with love, went back to nursing.
And then in 2016, my friend was like, I don't know why you don't start a travel blog. That's clearly all you want to do. And I had the limiting belief that who's gonna pay me to travel the world laugh out loud
where you continue? So you said that you went on this six week trip? And then when you came back, you realize, like, you weren't feeling that. So you did travel? But then you felt cooped up. Why go back to something like a travel blog?
Kamelia Britton
Why go back? Yeah. So living was I went out and I was doing Reiki healings and it was very much a brick and mortar business. And it was not really online at all.
So when you're doing the six week travel trip, you're still doing Reiki?
Kamelia Britton
No, I was completely not working, I was completely not working. And so that was where the shift happened. Because I was like, I want to do whatever I'm going to be doing. If I'm in Bali, or if I'm in wherever and I want to be able to do it wherever and back then you could probably swing that now. But back in 2014, it really wasn't the vibe to be online, doing all this kind of stuff, interesting healing work. And it was a way more in person thing.
We've evolved now. But here we are in 2021. And so back then it wasn't really the thing I wanted, I really wanted to be online, I really wanted to be location independent, and be afraid. So that's when I started the travel.
Make sense. That makes sense. So you came back, you wanted something to pour your energy and time into. Something that you could do locationally independent anywhere. And it's funny that the location of the independent thing correlates directly with travel in the first place.
I feel like when I started this podcast, that was my original intention as well to kind of just make money off the podcast maybe later on, and then use this to travel the world. And lo and behold, I went a completely different direction. And I love what I do now. But it wasn't my original intention when I started this so I can understand where you're coming from with a travel blog. So at a time, you mentioned something about the travel blog, you said you had good timing with that. What do you think consisted of the good timing?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah,I think back in 2016, there were less people doing it, there were still people doing it, certainly, but there were less people doing it. And it just wasn't as saturated of a space, they still can be done. Now I'm working with clients now who are still doing it, do you know what I mean? It just it's a little more takes a bit longer. And there's still space, there's still space, because SEO is a thing. And Instagram is still a thing.
There's certain strategies you can use. But back then it was a lot easier to go really quickly, do you know what I mean? I mean, you could still grow for sure. But you do need to be a lot more targeted. And you I obviously I always tell my clients to really have their own products and services rather than just rely on getting followers and being an influencer, you can certainly do it there.
So anyways it is a bit slower. And my first year I had 20,000 follow organic and everything. And it was just like, it just kind of came. It just happened. And I never set out to be an influencer. Like I said, I really set out to do a travel blog. And I built the course actually builds a course on travel hacking, and how to find error fares and mistake fares and all that, which is what I was totally doing. So that's kind of how I started.
Sure, so what was that initial feeling that kept you going? Like, when you're first starting something new like this, I remember when I started and I keep relating this back to my own podcast journey, because I guess it's something as similar as I can get to what you did, but I remember what kept me going in the beginning was like even though I said it, like on the mic, there's still people coming out reaching out to me and saying, hey, like I like this episode, or Hey, you did a great job.
What was it for you for those initial I know, you got to 20,000 followers really quickly. So that feedback loop right there must have felt really good. But how about some other things that you notice at first you just like, you know what, this is my calling?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, I just knew cuz I had started to other businesses that really weren't my calling. And so I thought why put all this time love money and effort into these things that actually weren't lighting up myself. They were successful, but they weren't really like filling the hole. You know what I mean?
And with this, I thought, if I'm going to have no matter what energy whether it be for a job or another business, then why not have no matter what energy towards something that is literally my dream, do you know what I mean? And so if we're going to put if we're going to waste our no matter what energy on the job we don't like, then what's the point in that we're eventually going to burn out or feel unfulfilled or something like that.
So for me, it was like if other people can do it, then it's possible for me, I just have to stick with it and figure it out and keep pivoting until I get it and so that's basically what it was. And so I just had the and it was hard. And I wanted to quit 1000 times, but I just thought, Well, what if I, if I'm going to quit, then I'm just going to be back where I was. And I already knew that wasn't working for me.
So no matter what energy to you is something that no matter what?
Kamelia Britton
Basically it's thinking, are you committed to this no matter what? I mean, because when we think about where we are in 2021, some of the things that are happening, we've got a car that drives itself, because somebody sat down and said, I'm figuring this out no matter what.
We've got internet that we're talking on right now that I can't understand or fathom, but I'm working on a benefit of it. And I'm using it and working it. I have no idea how but someone sat down and said, I'm going to figure it out no matter what. And so I know where possible. And so we have to shift our mindset. I'm all about mindset, because literally, we are limitless, and anything is possible. If we just do not give up. It's just the way it is.
I 100% agree with that. I stand by that. Always, throughout my life. It's a matter of time. That's the only equation at the end of the day. It's just how long is it gonna take? It will happen? How long will it take?
So where so you travel, and you saw some initial success? What was that transition period like of where you actually started traveling with a travel blog, as well as making some money from it to be able to support yourself outside of the nurse?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so I was making money. Let's see, I started in 2016, made a little bit, not a lot. First year was really hard. 2017 second year, I started making some money, started getting some deals, and I was like, Oh, okay. And then in 2018, everything just really took off. And I was able to quit my nursing job. I was scared to death. But I did it.
And I was terrified the first month that I quit my nursing job, I went so hard and just went after it so hard because I was terrified, I wouldn't be able to replace or to keep replacing the income because I was already in a good place. But I was so afraid it wasn't able to do it again next month, the next month, you know that and there was so much fear.
And I jumped and I was just so scared. And so I went so hard. And then I ended up doubling my income that month. And then I was like, Whoa, okay, I did it. And then I was like, Okay, so then the next month, it was the same. And then after the third month of me doing it, I finally started to believe that okay, I can actually do it now. And I started to settle down.
And then it's just grown exponentially since. And I've just offered a lot more services and sharing my knowledge with people of what's worked and supporting others. And that's just been really such a gift. And like I said, I talk about legacy a lot. Because everything I went through with my health, it really is just special to me to be able to empower others that want this lifestyle to basically be able to guide them in and help them to create it for themselves.
Sure, it makes a ton of sense. And I know that feeling really well too. It's like you grow set of balls after a little bit, you're so worried about losing... everything going up in air and just completely disappearing on you one day. But the more you do it, you realize something and I think you can really relate to this feeling. It's you have the skill set, even if something was to all go away, the next day, you have the skill set to be able to bring that back up again, just because.
Whether it's sales or outreach or writing or whatever your skill is, you've got that skill to that level to tomorrow, if the world was to go.... the stock market crashed and everyone stopped buying, you still have the skills to be able to start over again. And what's the worst case scenario you go to you get another nursing job, right?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. So when you get to that point, it's really freeing feeling. And, I think -
Kamelia Britton
Once you understand that where you are is your worst case scenario, then you get to play with fear for fun at that point. And then -
That's right. That's right. So today, you coach and you go through all these different things. You're empowering people, and it feels like you're giving impact, or you're creating impact and giving back to the world that way. But you had a pretty scary journey yourself towards the last few years. When did you find out that you had cancer? And how'd that go?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so yeah, I found a lump in May. And then I was traveling, and I couldn't get into appointments and between my schedule and their schedule, so it didn't get seen until July. And then whenever I found out it was July 12. I had a biopsy, July 9 and then three days later, I was like waiting and waiting and then July 12 2019. And they told me I had cancer and I was in complete shock.
I was 38 years old, so wasn't even that old and I was healthy and drinking green smoothies and meditating. I'm like, How did this happen? I was pushing myself running and gunning. I was not doing self care. That's like one thing that I'm preaching about now. And yeah, first thing was like anybody got time for cancer. This is not part of the five year plan. Like, who has time for this?
I have stuff to do when I had contracts and I got diagnosed and I had a trip planned triplet collaboration. And I was like, I have to leave for Malta in 10 days. Like I've got to go to Geneva and Malta. Can I go? Am I dying? What's going on? It was just like a shock to the system and the whole plan. And they were like yeah, go ahead and go and that was like the last trip I had planned. And so I went on that trip not knowing if that was my last trip ever. It was the worst thing in the world. It was so scary, so emotional.
And I did my best to really live it to the fullest thinking like okay, if this is my last trip, how do I feel about that? And what if and by that time, I'd been to like 36 countries and so I thought what if this is it? I've lived an amazing life. I've seize the day, you know what I mean? I've done so much. And there was really not much else... there's always more I'd love to do but I like if I was really looking If this is the end of my life, and at the time, we didn't know, I had a very deadly cancer with very low statistics of not survival and stuff like that I didn't know.
And I was just like, okay, I literally faced death and was like, whew, okay, I'm going to go through that experience in life. We all are, but somehow we forgotten, it's going to happen to us. And so I'm like, this might be my thing. This might be the thing I very well die from and nobody knows. And so I came to that conclusion of nobody ever knows. But we all know what's going to happen.
And so I just had that moment of whether it's five years or 50 years, what am I doing? How am I living? What am I putting out? And what am I taking with me when I go and that's basically leaving a legacy that's bigger than me that's going to outlive my time here on earth.
And the best way I know how to do that is by helping people seize their day, live their dream, follow their passion, share their gifts, and just put their good in the world. I was always like this before, but it took me 10 levels. Yeah.
How long did the whole cancer thing was walk me through that? And I guess your emotional journey through that as well.
Kamelia Britton
It was quite the emotional journey. Yeah. So I found out in July 2019. And I hid it for six weeks, because I had all these followers on Instagram. And I was like, how am I going to tell hundreds of 1000s of people that I can't travel anymore when they follow me for travel in life, and they like to see the world through my eyes. And it was just like, terrifying. And I knew I couldn't travel for a year.
So it was eating at me and eating at me. And one day, I just posted an igtv video and I just let it out and said, Hey, this is what's going on. And I was met with so much love and support and it was just crazy. And so it was very much one day at a time. I had no idea and I went from posting about Greece to I'm going to chemo, I'm losing all my hair I went bald, I went from being an Herbal Essences hair model and brand ambassador to bald.
And that was an overnight lesson and self love, acceptance, gratitude, all the things and it was so incredibly hard. I blogged all about it, it's all over, you have a whole section of my travel blog of that journey, because that's a whole other journey that no one expects to take. So like totally saw that come in said no cancer patient ever. So there was no influencer, who was already like this huge influencer online that went through it that I could find.
And so I didn't have the manual on how to do that. So I feel like I wrote the manual on how to do that. And I ended up being a light in a very dark space. Because if you do look around at people who've gone through it, there's a lot of doom and gloom and sadness, and rightfully but I was like this can be done in another when this can be done with Let's be strong, because it's so hard to pick yourself up out of those dark times. And it honestly helped me stay out of my own just a little... to basically...
To help?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, and so I was going to my chemo sessions, and I started this movement called the lovable and I was leaving cards in the chairs, and I was leaving gifts and blankets and I was giving back every time I was in the chemo chair, I would leave a gift for the next person. And I would pass out cards and just leave them on all the chairs. And they were messaging me crying saying thank you this just uplifted my day.
And it just took my mind off of my own sadness, because I was like, Okay, well, if I do die, then I've at least brighten their day today. You know what I mean. And so it really took me just so much deeper into again, that giving back in that legacy in the love rubble that we can really all share out into the world. And I'm only one person but it's literally it just ripples out.
And that's just what I'm all about today is any way that I can continue to spread love. It sounds cliche, but honestly like universal love, I'm just all about it. Because that's we just the world needs it so desperately right now.
Sure, I get the gratitude and the love that you're bringing back in the world is like a shining bright light in the middle of such a dark time. But were there ever moments where you felt like you were falling into despair? I would imagine because many people when they go through something like that, it's only tough.
You kept that front. But a lot of it came from a genuine place. And sometimes you got to stay strong, especially because of your husband or whoever else. But there are moments I'm sure on the inside you were feeling like, like I'm going to give up or getting close to despair and things like that. How did you deal with those situations? And how did it feel?
Kamelia Britton
Absolutely. There was so many times I was sleeping 18 hours a day and I was just honest about it. I was like this is hard. I went through 16 rounds of chemo 20 rounds of radiation, four or five different surgeries. It was intense for an entire year. My treatment was an entire year, no days off. You don't get a day off having cancer, right? And I was also working and still coaching and doing all these things.
And it was just there were some days where I just didn't do anything. There were some days that I just laid in bed and allowed myself to be and I was so such a goer and a doer and achiever that I really had to look at myself and say it's okay. You know that I didn't do anything today. I took care of myself today. I nurtured myself today. What do I need? What do my cells need to be happy todau?
And there were days that I just was super depressed. Of course, like here I am. I'm bald. I've gained weight. Like my skin is all wrecked from all the chemo like it was very hard. It was so hard. I didn't recognize myself and that was just what I did.
I put on a wig and some makeup and some fake lashes because I lost all my lashes. I was just trying to feel myself and so I would basically do whatever I could to just forget that I had it for just a moment when when it all comes off at night, I was right back where I was, but at least for the day, I would feel myself I would feel like myself and I would go and my friends would be like, Oh my God, we totally forgot.
We totally forgot you had cancer. I'm like, me too. That's great. Isn't that the best thing ever? So it was like how I dealt with it. And it worked for me and to each their own. But for it's there, no one's forgetting. It's there. But to forget, for a moment, it's just a gift.
It's freeing. I get that it's good to escape, but in a positive way. Instead of a negative one. Absolutely. Absolutely. That's deep. Thanks for sharing that story. I think maybe not to the degree of cancer. But I think a lot of my listeners could probably relate to moments in their life when they felt in despair, desperate, or in fear, or something, any of those emotions. So really, thank you for sharing.
Kamelia Britton
Absolutely. And I always say not everybody's had cancer. But everybody's gone through hard times, everybody's had a place where they've had to dig deep for resilience. Gentlemen, this is just my path. But there's a place where you've had to dig deep for that resilience, and really tap into your inner strength, and you've been tested.
And so if I can get through this, you can get through whatever it is, and just keep going. And we're all going through our own stuff and traumas and our own journey through life and around the world and all this stuff. And yeah, it's just at the end of the day, I just think resilience is a choice. And if you're going to get knocked down, but just get back up and keep going because everyone's facing something.
Sure makes a ton of sense. What was the point where you found out that you weren't going to fully have cancer anymore?
Kamelia Britton
Oh, yeah. So I did a lot of mindset work. I was, you know, I've been a nurse for a million years or whatever. But I've also been in the energy healing space and meditation space and all the mind body soul connection and spirituality. So I really a nerd that mixes both or whatever. And so I was like, Okay, great. I'm going to do all the chemo, I'm going to do that.
And I'm in decide, I'm going to do all the mindset work and meditation and envisioning myself healed. So I was diagnosed in July, I didn't get my first chemotherapy until September. And in August, after a month after I got diagnosed, I was meditating, and in this meditation, got a download, pick a date in the future. And I was like, okay, December 8, and I was like, okay, that's when you're going to be healed. And I'm like, Is that even possible? That's like, a couple months away.
And then I'm like, Okay, well, who am I to have limiting beliefs on what's possible? Anything is possible, right? WiFi is possible. So anything is possible. And I went, and I put on my phone, I'm healed in whole by December 8. And so every day I was like, I'm healed in whole by December 8, and I was meditating, and I was visualizing, and I was just like, sometimes 45 minutes a day, I was like, I'm healed and what's it look like to be healed? How does it feel to be healed? I'm so grateful. Like all these things.
And when I went for my scan, I only had I was prescribed 16 rounds of chemo. And I'd only have six at that time. And I went for my scans, I was in the chair, and they brought me my results, and they couldn't find the tumor. And it only been a couple months, it was like two months. And it was in November. It was like November 27, or something before December 8, I was it was completely gone. And they didn't declare it gone because they were like, could be microscopic cells or whatever. But in my heart, I was like, it worked. I'm healed all the things like I did the chemo, I did the mindset work, I did all the things.
And so they still made me complete the full thing because of insurance and everything like that. And they just want to be for sure, for sure. It's it's a very deadly cancer that I had. And so in March 2020, I was declared in full remission, no signs, no signs of disease, or whatever, in March. But I already knew in my heart by November that I was healed.
That's awesome.
Kamelia Britton
That's so crazy. And you feel like you came out on the other side, I think to me, like you strike me as just like really grateful, bright, full of opportunity kind of person, you would never imagine. And I was having this conversation with somebody or earlier.
Yeah, you never know what someone's story is right? looking behind the curtain. If I saw you on the street, per se, we had a conversation, I would never have imagined that you would have gone through something like that. Or even when you were telling me the story about how I used to put the wig on and the eyelashes and stuff and you'd be out and about. And everyone would forget you have cancer. If someone was looking at you from across the street, they're probably not even know that you had that or so you never know what someone else is going through at any given.
I think through travel, anything. That's something you can relate to as well, you realize everyone's in the same on the inside. We all have the same dreams and passions and doesn't matter if it's a the 12 year old kid selling candy on the streets because he's got to help his blind grandmother at home. Or if it's the 17 year old rich kid who was born up with the yachts and the club, everyone wants the same things and to feel special judgment is probably one of the worst things that anybody could do to anybody else.
It's cool that you went through such a crazy life and I want to say lesson but it's not something that I've ever gone through in my life and I couldn't even begin to pretend to know what it's like.
But you came out stronger for it and now you teach other people on how to get that resilience and stuff and every time I feel like I'm gonna I have something tough going on my life now I'm gonna be like that lady kick cancer, curries, my blog, which is super cool. So I want to touch on some more of your work.
So you teach mindset stuff and you teach, but you also know a lot of business stuff and you have this nice little mix of both sides. What is your philosophy these days? Present day of the way you teach somebody who wants to be coached by you. What do you teach them? And what are some concepts? Yeah.
Kamelia Britton
Oh my gosh, so many things I really love diving in one on one and meeting someone where they're at and like where their goals are because I'm an I'm trained in so many different types of things like I'm a hypnotherapist, the Reiki that they do healing the mindset stuff, I mean, heal your life certified coach with Louise Hay, all kinds of things.
And I've built a, you know, multiple six figure business from an idea in my head, right? So I've done so many things and led myself through so many paths. So I have so much to offer different people in different ways. And so I love just the first thing I say to somebody is, What's your dream? What is your dream? Let's not go with what's a good idea? Let's not go with this. What is your dream? What do you want? Basically, let's start there.
And then we can just create it, we can create whatever it is, in our minds about what's possible, right? Just like with my tomorrow, like, oh, at camp, I'm like, Who am I like, Wait a second, I have to check myself with what's possible. Anything is possible. So start with what the heck do you want? What do you want? What do you love? What do you enjoy, and let's create it and then let's like, basically, I'm all about Foundation, then optimization, then innovation, let's blow it up, we've got to start with the foundation, and get that going and flowing. And then we can optimize and work out the kinks. And then we can explode upon it. So fun.
I'm just and I'm all about I teach money mindset, I teach what else you've just a lot of self care as well, because I was going and going, like I said, whenever I got sick, and I had a rude awakening, that is not what we're here to do. Basically, we really have to fill our own cup, so that we can bring our gifts to the world because our body is the vessel that allows us to bring our gifts to the world and serve our purpose. And so I'm all about let's that's part of the foundational work that we're going to do. And then the strategies, the strategy, we've got to start from within believing we can have it believing we're worthy of it.
And that's a lot of the money mindset stuff, and healing that old money wounds and stuff like that, or the worthiness from stuff that happened maybe when you were younger, or just not believing it's possible for you, but it is. And so really building upon that. And then just creating whatever it is they want to create from with their life. I work with a lot of a lot of coaches and consultants.
And then also some bloggers and influencers and stuff like that. And just really anybody who's got a service that they're just really passionate about that really serves others, we can definitely work with that for
So let's say we've laid down the foundation. And we have the right mindsets. Now we have the belief and we're even on the right track. How do you start optimizing? Do you have any and this is like my business geeky side? What are some...?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so what are you spending your time doing? What is annoying you what's frustrating you? What are you wasting time on? What are you doing over and over? How can we automate something? How can we make you make this more effortless, so you free up your time so we can be in Bali? And we're going exploring, we're not just like on the computer the whole time, right?
Anything you're doing repetitively, let's do some automation, let's have systems in place like I'm a big systems nerd. So anything that can be either made easier in some way, a lot of times we're doing 10 steps when it could be one.
Makes sense. And then how do you explode?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so then we've got to have what's working, and then what's working really well. And then it's like making sure everybody in the entire world knows about it. Yeah, scalability, scaling it with ease and flow, and then expanding into maybe a group program or expanding into what's really working really well. And expanding that to the masses, or how we can do more digital downloads, or more courses, or whatever. And all these things I've done myself. So I know how to do this,
So along the same lines, and what are your thoughts on having a personal brand, I know you have a fairly big personal brand. And I have been curious about this lately about having my own personal brand. But there are things that make me again for myself simply because of how cancel culture is these days on Tik Tok and how everyone's ganging up on everybody else. I just don't like the vibe of it so much. But even though I know how to do it, it's what are your thoughts on some of the pros and cons of having a big pesonal...?
Kamelia Britton
Oh, I think take the word big out of it. I think everybody is a personal brand. Even if you have 100 followers, you are your brand. I don't care if you're working in this space or not. Everyone's a creator. And everyone's an influencer.
Because if you tell your friend where you got your shirt, that's an influence. And that's having a brand what you look like, how you show up in the world is your brand. So we're just in the day and age where everybody has a brand. And if you have 100 people following you think of a room as a keynote speaker then that becomes a lot of people. And so you really need to think about that. So big or small. Everyone has a brand and then what you're wanting to put out into the world if you're going to run a business is your brand. And that's crazy important because you want us I mean, but you are your brand another thing and so it's like branding yourself and being true to you.
That's why I say what do you want? What do you want? So let's now make choices every day. It's like we have 1000 micro forks on the road every single day. What time do we get out? What are we putting in our body? How are we choosing to spend our time or what are we going to do all these kind of things so there's 1000s of forks in the roads every day.
So if you know what your brand values are, so one of the things I do really quickly is let's extract your brand values of who you really are and what you want to be and who you want to connect with and stuff like that and getting really clear on that. And then everything you do is just an alignment with that and you're never off brand because you are the brand and it came from you.
Yeah, it's like value based. Something I did I remember as a young kid I had a an older mentor - actually surprisingly enough is coming on the podcast tomorrow. And it's the first time I've had to had him get an interview out of him somehow.
But I had a mentor when I was like maybe 18. And one of the things that he taught me was creating a value based system for yourself. And then you just live your life through those values. And that was such a massive shift for me. Because before then I felt like, sometimes I was standing by one thing, but it was fragile, it was frail and switched to doing something else, and something else, and it's all over the board.
But ever since I heard that, I remember doing this exercise for myself where I made this sheet and I wrote 25 different values that I stood for, and I just really wanted to live by, and I folded it up and threw it in my pocket in my wallet. And every single time, there was a decision that I just didn't know what decision I wanted to make, I put the value list out and I look at it, and I'd be like know what I need to do.
And over time that kind of grew. And something I used to do a lot was whenever I had guy friends, I would compare my values against theirs just to put my head against the metal in the fire. And same with theirs. And that's something I really started enjoying doing. And now as I've gotten older, I don't need that sheet anymore.
And I just had this strong value system that I just lived by no matter what. So I love the fact that you said that too. Because I've only and this isn't sexist at all. It's just I've only heard men say, to live your life through values. I've never heard- I've never spoken to a woman who I could talk about values with.
Kamelia Britton
Things I do with every client I have, every single client goes through the brand values, like before we do anything else, it's our foundation, that's part of my foundational work that we do for them.
Makes a ton of sense. I think that's awesome to hear. It's something that not a lot of people think about in the first place. So it's really nice that someone's putting that out there.
How about in terms of mindsets? What are some things that if you have to recommend some people in this day and age that want to do what they love, and a lot of my audience, you're listening to this right now all listen to this podcast, because they either want to do something that they love, or they know somebody else they want to help with.
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, it's really again, I really love to take that dream and create a vivid vision out of it get really super clear, like mine is a page and a half typed out like I do this, I'm doing this, I'm making this difference in the world. I feel this, I love this, but just really getting really clear. It's like you can't buy a flight to a destination that you don't know. So it's like we have to make the destination. So getting really clear and typing that up. And just really filling in all the blanks, the more detail the better.
And then reading that every day and feeling into it. And again, all those little forks in the road. What can we do today? To get even like 1% closer to that? Is this getting me closer to my goal or farther away from the goal?
And we literally have 1000s of those decisions every day. If that's what you wake up and read that. And that's your theme. That's the vibe of the day, right? Is this going to be closer to it or farther away from it? Is this good for me now and later, because there's a lot of times there's a quick hit or whatever, it's good for me now, sure. A couple things to start with a ton
of sense. I like that analogy that you did like the forks in the road. Something I like to talk about a lot is how you're in the middle of a forest that's at night, and you just have a flashlight in front of you and you see a few paths, you can just take the next path, but it's all leading to some destination that can either be towards what you're trying to work towards or away from where you're trying to go. Yeah, Kamelia, you've told a hell of a story. Thank you so much for sharing that.
I got one final question for you here before we talk about where people can find you. And that's something that I asked everybody that comes on my podcast. The question is, if you had a billboard in space, and every single person on the planet could see that billboard every single day, every time the sun rose, every time the sun went away, the billboard went away, what would you read on that?
Kamelia Britton
Ah, it's so hard, I think, you know, I would probably say love is the most powerful healing source there is your channel for healing love, and just love yourself and teach others to do the same and you're supported.
Love yourself and teach others to do the same.
Kamelia Britton
If everyone did that, we would just have a great world. It would be like the golden rule up in here. You know?
I feel it. Wow, that's awesome. That's - I really liked that one. Well, Camilla, where can people find you?
Kamelia Britton
Yeah, so I'm on Instagram under my name. It's Kamelia dot Britton, and that's familiar with a K. And then also my website if my mindset slash business hybrid coaching is that freedom frequency dot com, you can check that out there and that'll lead you to my website as well. So either one of those places you can find me and I would love to connect with you.
Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on today Kamelia.
Kamelia Britton
Thanks so much. Yeah, and anyone who's listening Also, if you send me a message, I will basically give you a free 30 minute sort of consult to see like what you're up to so yeah, connect with me.
So just shoot her a message on Instagram that says free 30 minute consult and then mentioned my name in there as well so you can get some props.
Kamelia Britton
Yes, yeah, just let me know and I'm happy to connect.
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