The Law in Lockdown and Beyond, with Hannah Beko

Friday Conversation with Hannah Beko, Lawyer Coach & Trainer

Hannah Beko Season 1 Episode 16

Today's episode marks the return to school and our "new normal" post lockdown in September 2020.  In my first solo episode, I talk about my lockdown journey and how I see the future of the legal profession being changed for the better post COVID.

As a coach, I work with lawyers who want to improve stress management & anxiety, make decisions about their future or have a better work life balance.  I also offer training for law firms on mental health & wellbeing, improving performance visibility and branding and authenticity as a lawyer superpower.

I am a self-employed lawyer, coach and creator of the Lawyers Business Mastermind™ (the place for entrepreneurial lawyers to grow).

If you are a legal professional, please feel free to join our free Facebook Group for networking, tips and support - Legally Speaking, a group for the legal profession by clicking here.

Visit Lawyers Business Mastermind™ for more details and to join us.

You can connect with Hannah on LinkedIn or visit

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