Agape Ministries Podcast

Christy Wimber Making Disciples Part 1

Archie and Cathy Cameron Episode 227

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Episode 227
Speaker  Christy Wimber
Topic Making Disciples Part 1

Recorded in 2018

Christy Wimber planted Yorba Linda Vineyard in southern California in 2006. 

 But despite growing a flourishing congregation, she announced early in 2017 that she was closing the church. She recalls thinking, “I don’t understand this. This is not what I want to do, but I do feel like this is the Lord.”

 Since receiving the message from God that “your assignment here is done”, Wimber has shifted focus to now training church planters. She aims to create a group of leaders who can plant and lead new churches.  Her track record of following the Lord’s call to unchartered territories has led to an equity of trust and respect among her fellow leaders.

 Christy’s call to include the privilege of discipleship is the full gospel and very refreshing. Just imagine being in that inner place where you experience the promise of Philippians 4: 6 and 7. 

 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. 

Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, transcending anything we can understand with reason and logic. Then the peace of God will be released in you, guarding your heart and mind, when you believe what Jesus believed. 
Next 4 weeks
We will break down Christy 2 talks into four parts. 
The first two episodes 227 and 228  on the freedom  God is calling the Church into.
the final two 229 and 230 on how we respond to this call to freedom