Mindset & Action: Grow and Streamline Your Business

From Employee to Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Mindset with Viv's Expert Insights | EP243

Donna Eade / Vivienne Joy Episode 243

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What if you could effortlessly transition from an employee mindset to embracing the entrepreneurial spirit? Join us as we chat with Viv about the profound mindset shift required to leave the constraints of fixed roles, income, and work hours behind. Discover how self-motivation, flexible work schedules, and a proactive approach to income generation are crucial in this journey. Viv shares actionable insights on evolving your financial strategies and work habits to thrive in the world of self-employment. 

Imagine consulting with the best version of yourself to boost your business performance. Together, we delve into powerful NLP techniques like state change and anchoring to help you shift from negative to positive states. We emphasize the importance of maintaining a solution-focused mindset and recognize that even your ideal self can have off days. Learn how to build a new, empowered reality rather than striving for unattainable perfection. Plus, get exclusive access to Viv's free monthly networking and training sessions designed for continuous growth and support. Tune in for practical advice and transformative insights!

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Edited and produced by Donna Eade

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Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everybody. And today we have the lovely Viv in the house. Welcome, viv, hello, hello.

Speaker 1:

So we are on to our mini Mindset Mondays with Viv and, as you know, there is a button below this player on your podcast players and on my blog no, not my blog on my podcast page on the website and if you go to that, it says text me and you can text me a question for Viv. There is even a form you can fill out that says ask Viv. So if you've got any mindset questions you would like to ask Viv, then feel free to go and fill that in and we will. We will answer your questions down the line somewhere, but today we have we have a big one for you, viv.

Speaker 1:

Oftentimes, people who run businesses have already been in the workplace Not always. There are some that go straight into business, which is amazing, but most of us have been employed at some point in our lives and one of the things that's been coming up on my radar recently is the idea of the employee mindset keeping us stuck. So can you please do a little bit of a talk on what the employee mindset is, why it's keeping us stuck and how we can get past it?

Speaker 1:

Absolute pleasure Donna absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I spend most of my life coaching. This because, of course, most people have had a job. Very few people leave school, uni, wherever, and start a business. Well, back in the day they didn't anyway, maybe they do today and so what happens is we have different identities.

Speaker 2:

So in life we create little identities. I don't mean we're being fake, but we create like a mother identity, a sister identity, a best friend identity, a party friend identity, an employee identity, and what we don't do very often is create a self-employed identity. So, consequently, we're still trying to be that employed version when we're actually self-employed. So everything sits in the identity the way we think, the way we feel, our self-talk, our beliefs, our behaviour, our money mindset, our activities. Everything sits in that set of values and identity that go with that one that you've built as an employee. Of course, the employee mindset is I go to work, I earn this much money, it comes into my bank account, I pay the bills and I have bugger all left at the end of it. That's essentially what happens if a broke. That's what job stands for, isn't it right? That's not my uh, my epit it, but yes, that's the way it works. So, consequently, when we get into being self-employed, the brain has to change from oh, I've earned this much money, I've spent the money I have to borrow money to. Actually I'm now self-employed. How can I earn that money? Not, where do I borrow that money from? Where do I earn that money from? Who's got the money that they should be paying me for my services? And once you can switch that and it's quite a painful switch, to be honest, because we've been bought up typically not everybody, but most people have had parents that had jobs, so the parents have had that oh, I only earn £2,000 a month. So if we need a holiday, I've either got to save hard or I've got to put it on a credit card or get a loan, and so it's a very different money mindset and that's typically the one I think you're probably talking about, donna. So when we're self-employed, you can't borrow money, essentially because you've got no collateral, you've got nothing. Until you start to have a successful business, you've got nothing to borrow money on. So therefore you've got no job. Now, actually, you won't pass affordability for mortgages and I know this because I'm going through it myself at the moment for loans and even credit cards. So it's a case of how can I earn that money? That's the most important switch that someone can make.

Speaker 2:

Also, the employee mindset is I work nine to five not everybody, but I'm just, you know, putting the typical one out here whereas actually when we're self-employed, the first thing what happens is well, I can do what I like now, like I don't have to work nine to five. So for the first few months it's joyful and blissful. I'm going to go to the shops at four o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon, because I can. I'm going to go to the hair salon on Tuesday at 10 o'clock, etc. Etc. I'm just going to lay in bed until 11 o'clock in the morning because I haven't got to get up and get you know, get on the commute, the commuter train, so um, and then after that that euphoria starts to wear off and we realize well, the reason we used to work that many hours is because we had to to get anything done.

Speaker 2:

And also the other employee mindset thing that happens is we go to work, we get told what to do, so you go to work. This is job description, this is exactly what you have to complete in a day. This is how we're going to measure your performance and decide whether you get a pay rise, decide whether you get paid each month or whether we put you on a performance review. We don't have any of that going on when we're self-employed. So it's just a case of if I don't do this, no one will tell me off.

Speaker 2:

So that self-motivation that we see on CVs really becomes a big test when we become self-employed, because most people aren't really self-motivated. They are job motivated, money motivated, boss motivated, embarrassment motivated, and when you're self-employed, motivation is really tricky, because who is actually motivating you? Who is saying you know, donna, I'm sure you remember it well. Who's saying oh, donna, you haven't recorded that podcast this week? You'll be like, oh, it'd be all right, I'll do it next week, but if you had a boss, they'd be like we need that podcast. It sits with the rest of our business structure, get a move on. Whereas there's nobody telling you that now. There's nobody saying to you uh, you haven't made any money for the business this this week. There's you saying, oh, yeah, I won't be able to go on holiday. Now put that money in the funds that I was going to.

Speaker 2:

So what happens is we tend to then lower our standards of life to actually measure up to that new mindset, because we've created the wrong identity of somebody who's self-employed. So we will create a self-employed identity. It just won't be the one of success, it'll be the one of I don't earn as much money, I can't do the things I used to do one of. I don't earn as much money. I can't do the things I used to do. Yes, I've got lots of freedom, but I haven't really, because I spend most of my time worrying, stressing, hating on myself because I'm not being successful. So we actually then, um accidentally, create a negative self-employed identity. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

yeah it does, it really does yeah.

Speaker 1:

I've been there, you know, I know it, I know it from yeah, so what are a couple of things that we can kind of start doing in our day-to-day that is going to help us kind of shift that mindset to design your life, to design who you want to be, who you want to be as a self-employed person, and really bring it to life.

Speaker 2:

So this is very NLP-based stuff, which, of course, is what I do. So when we start to visualize, rather than just accidentally become this self-employed version of ourselves who gets into bad habits, bad routines, bad mindset, self-talk, that's debilitating. If we can get into a pattern of designing who that is and really bringing that version to life emotionally, mentally, financially, physically in our mind, like, if you think about the ideal business version of you, donna and I'm not saying you're not already there, you might be, in which case it's easy. You look in a mirror, but actually most people who are probably listening to this are not there and most, most of my clients, are not there and they might be somewhere near, but they're nowhere near some of them. And so when you actually look in that kind of metaphorical mirror, who is the version of you that you're seeing now and who is the version of you that you want to see? Because there'll be some vast differences. There may be some differences in the habits, in what you wear, what you put on. It's like I said, I put my lipstick on to come here today Don't normally actually, but today I did because actually maybe podcast identity of me has lipstick on, whereas coaching version of me doesn't need it really, because most of my clients don't come to the sessions with lipstick on. So there's lots of different tiny nuances that will be different in the identity of the business success version of you, rather than just become self-employed, not affording anything and not doing very well and hating on yourself. So and you know I'm being they're drastic measures on both sides and you know there is somewhere in between.

Speaker 2:

You know what is the habit and behavior and lifestyle of your best business version of yourself. You know, does she get up and go to the gym? Does she follow up leads like from nine to 10 every morning, or does she put the cat out, sit and watch I don't know, whatever's on the telly, sometimes watch breakfast TV, whatever's on the telly. Does she then have a breakfast a bit late and then think I'll best get in the shower, oh yeah, and get to a desk by about midday. And I'm not saying that issue, by the way, donna, I've got no idea what your morning routine or habit is like, but actually you'll start to see the differences between what you know you should be doing as the best version of you and what you are doing as the current version of you. It could be that you talk about yourself when you're this amazing version and if you really start to picture that person, almost imagine them standing next to you or sitting next to you as you're working and asking their advice. You know, don't do it maybe when other people are there, because I think you're a bit nuts, but while you're there you can say you know, actually this is how I feel right now. If I'm doing a sales call and it's really important for me for the to get that business, which version of me is best to show up? This best business version of myself or the one that's sitting in my pajamas or, you know, just hating on life because she's just had to clean up cat sick? You know which version is going to do the best job at this and really embody that version. And it'll be a bit tricky to start with, but it does get easier once you get to do it more.

Speaker 2:

And this is what we call state change in NLP. So we're changing our state from one version of ourself to another. You know, do you ever get up and think, oh, I can't be bothered today. I do, you know, we all do. I've had enough of this, I don't want to do this. You know that version of yourself is not going to go through and have a productive, successful day. She's just not.

Speaker 2:

Whereas, actually, even if you get up thinking like that, how can I change my state? How can I feel better? Should I go for a walk? Should I listen to a podcast? Should I what? How can I make myself feel more aligned with that business version of me, the business owner that is successful and rocking life and loving herself, thinking she's amazing? What would she do now? What would she do this morning? Would she get up, jump out of bed and go in the shower? First thing? Yeah, probably. I don't know. These are just my kind of experiences with other people. So, yeah, building that business version of yourself that's successful in your head first and following it rather than falling into bad habits and just carrying on with them, is the biggest tip I can give you. Yeah, don't bother.

Speaker 2:

No, but when you start to imagine and if you close your eyes now, if you listen to this, you close your eyes now and just imagine what that best business version of yourself is who she is, who he is.

Speaker 2:

Whoever you are listening to this, imagine what that version of you is wearing, what that version of you is thinking every day, what that version of you feels, what the objectives are, what the values, what's important. Really go through, write all these things down as you're listening to this and literally focus in on even just one of them every day, because if you spend more of your time in that space mentally, you'll spend more of your time in that space physically, because where the mind goes, the body follows. So if you're thinking that shit, I hate myself, I'm no good at this la la, la, la la, your body follows that. It's not long before we have, you know, fatigue, headaches, you know anxiety, all of the shit that goes with that, rather than empowered, can't wait. I'm amazing. I love life. I'm enjoying'm enjoying my business. You know my business is called she enjoys, because most people aren't. That's the whole point. They're not enjoying it, they're having a tough time that's your question.

Speaker 1:

That was brilliant, brilliant, and I think the one thing to remember when you're doing this is it's not something that necessarily happens overnight, that you can create this person, the vision of yourself that you want to be, and it doesn't mean that you're going to wake up tomorrow and suddenly you're that person. It takes time to change that mind. So every time you kind of see yourself going in the wrong direction, you've got to pull yourself up and go no, who's the best version of me?

Speaker 2:

and step back into that, almost like physically stepping back into that person you could, um, we call it anchoring an nlp, so you could anchor a space, maybe in your bedroom, in your hallways you're brushing your teeth, where you literally embody and become that version of yourself, stepping into that power of you. I'm sure if you've seen anything by tony robbins or any of the great kind of mindset warriors, um, they'll talk a lot about that, um, but yes, it does take time. But please also know that even the best business version of you will have a shit day, like even the best business version of you hates on themselves or does something wrong or, you know, doesn't do what they're supposed to do. So you know, it's not about creating perfection. It's more creating a new reality, an absolute new reality for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, more time you spend in the dream space, the better it is for you, because most people just spend their time in the dream space. The better it is for you, because most people just spend their time in the horrible problem rather than solution. The solution is where all the answers are sitting in the problem to understand the problem and then moving into solution to grow the solution. You're sitting in a problem, you'll grow the problem. Sitting in a solution. You'll grow the solution wherever you hang out is what you create in your life.

Speaker 1:

Quite straightforward really brilliant, viv. That was brilliant. Thank you so much. Guys, drop a comment below. Wherever you are, tell us what you think of this episode. Make sure that you go and check Viv out if you want more goodness like this. She has a free networking every month that you can attend, where she gives you a lovely, beautiful training, usually, if not always, based on seven steps, which I absolutely love, so you can come along to that. I will leave a link in the show notes for you so you can go and check out all of the good things that Viv does, and we will see you in a couple of weeks. Bye for now, thank you.

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