Donna Eade
I've been podcasting for over 4 years and love every minute of it...Okay not true when I record and realise I was on the wrong mic, I don't love that... I help passionate business owners with a message to share, create and launch their podcasts. I believe podcasting is the best way to grow an audience of amazing humans. Podcasting is intimate, usually listened to via earphones or alone in the car. This gets you, as the host, as close to your listeners as the closest family members. This skyrockets your know, like and trust with them which means they will often engage more than on other media.
I live in Northamptonshire in the UK with my little family, two cats, my daughter and my partner. My dream is to help as many future podcasters as possible create their shows and one day retire him from his job and for us to travel and dance more, yes he dances salsa with me and I love it.