Mindset & Action: Grow and Streamline Your Business

Breaking Through Mental Barriers to Scale Your Business: Insights from Vivienne Joy | EP267

Donna Eade / Vivienne Joy Episode 267

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What if the only thing standing between your business and its next level of success are the invisible barriers in your mind? Join us as we uncover the secrets to scaling your business with our expert guest, Vivienne Joy. Viv shares her profound insights on breaking through those "next level limiters" that keep you comfortably stuck. Learn how to gain the clarity and courage needed to push past the safety bubble your brain gravitates towards, and visualize the joy and success awaiting you on the other side. We also explore how to combat procrastination and the lure of quick wins, crucial steps in preparing your unconscious mind for significant changes in your business and personal identity.

Stay engaged and take full advantage of our interactive features, including a "text me" button for direct communication with us—your hosts—and with our guest, Viv. Share your questions, feedback, and thoughts as we encourage active participation from our listeners. Look for all relevant links to connect with Viv further in the show notes. As we wrap up this episode, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Viv for her invaluable insights and remind you to tune in next week for more transformative conversations. Let's break through those barriers and take your business to the next level together!



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Until next week, Bye for Now XoX

Donna Eade:

You're listening to the Mindset in Action podcast, the place to be to grow and streamline your business. I'm your host, donna Eade. Let's jump into the show. Welcome back to the podcast, everybody. For another mini Mindset Monday with me, donna, and my co-host for today, vivian Joy. Welcome back to the podcast, hello, hello.

Donna Eade:

Well, today we have got an interesting subject because this is going to be something that's a little bit more advanced for people who have been in business a while and may consider themselves a little bit stuck.

Donna Eade:

So today we're going to be talking about scaling, and this is something that came up because I find it really interesting when I've been watching people in the online space and I've watched a few of them kind of scaling their businesses, and some of them I've seen right from the beginning of 10 years.

Donna Eade:

I've been watching them and sort of seen how their businesses have grown and I feel like when we are creating our business, we've got kind of in our head what we want it to look like and where we want it to be, and we start and obviously we kind of find a rhythm and a kind of a level that we're comfortable with, and it may be that that's all we ever saw for ourselves. That may be the dream that we had, but actually there is much more that could be had, or the dream is still out there, but we just don't know how to get there, and I think a lot of times it can be because our mindset gets us stuck in that comfort and potentially other things. I'm going to hand it over to Viv to tell us, you know what, what stops us scaling our businesses and and how can we sort of move past those so that we can reach those dreams that we set for ourselves when we first started our businesses.

Vivienne Joy:

I love all these subjects, donna really good at keeping it in 10 minutes. I mean they were like 20 minutes or so at the beginning. I think we're getting good. This is good for us. So, as you possibly know, and if anybody's listened to this before, I call myself a next level business and mindset coach. That next level and the reason being is that means to whoever is listening to it, their next level, because that next level could be anything. For some people it's like charging for the first time. Others it can be charging thousands for the first time. Some it can be going out and being visible on videos and podcasts. Some it could be writing a book. Some it could be actually consistently earning. Some it could be actually taking themselves out of the business and hiring a team so they can scale it and they can go off to the Maldives for six months of the year. So whatever that next level is for people, I don't typically get to meet many people who don't want to find the next level because they're just happy where they are and that's fine. So they're probably not listening to this either, because they're just happy with their lot and they're doing what they do.

Vivienne Joy:

I don't understand that personally. I am always oh, what can I do better? What can I do next? Who am? Am I?

Vivienne Joy:

So scaling your business from wherever you are now takes some courage and I'll talk about this a lot. It takes clarity and courage. We talked about this last time. But actually the trouble is we get stuck. We get stuck. I call this a next level limit, a next level limiter, because we get stuck on our current limit. It's a bit like when we do repetitive tasks all the time. So I don't know about you, but but if I'm procrastinating, I'll end up doing data cleansing, sorting out my stationery drawer, underwear drawer I mean, my underwear drawer right now is so clear and tidy it's ridiculous because I've been procrastinating about something. So if we find ourselves that's how we know when we're stuck at a level we go and do easy stuff because we want quick wins.

Vivienne Joy:

So the main challenge with going to the next level or scaling our businesses we need to leave a certain little safety bubble. Even if that safety bubble isn't very comfortable, it's safe, and safe and comfortable don't live together either. But safe is not scary. Safe is certainty and, as you know, that's what the brain wants to serve first. Always Doesn't matter who you are. Until you learn that actually success is what you want to serve, and not safety, you will always do that. Hence we talked about visibility, not pressing the button to go. It's not safe.

Vivienne Joy:

So the first thing we need to do is help your unconscious mind understand what happens at the next level, because it's a bit like well, who am I going to be? What will I do? How you know? How will people perceive me? What if I change my marketing message? What if I change my products? What if I put the price up?

Vivienne Joy:

And the brain, the unconscious brain, doesn't like all that. It's so uncertain. We always need to know where we're going to go. So what we need to do is to imagine it, and this is the easiest and most joyful experience, if you allow it. And I don't mean imagine the shit storm, I mean imagine the joy, imagine how amazing it will be when you get there, because most people will catastrophize. I just wrote a blog on this.

Vivienne Joy:

Ironically, they will catastrophize. They'll be like oh god, what if my husband doesn't love me when I'm earning 10 grand a month? What if? What if my children think I'm up my own? What if none of my friends like me because I'm slim, what, what if my? You know, whatever it is, that is your next level yourself, you will be perceived differently and your brain already knows this. Your brain is always terrified.

Vivienne Joy:

You know, things change when we become a mother. Things change when we go to university or don't go to university. Things change when we get a job. Things change when we get married. You get the gist of it. They change when we stop going out and getting drunk I'm basically talking about my life here without the motherhood. Obviously they change when we start to consistently earn money. They change when we create new boundaries of no thanks. That's not acceptable or no, I don't want you as a friend. And all these things are essential, in different variants, to reach the next level.

Vivienne Joy:

So we know that we're going to have to do that. We know we can't do what we've done on this level and get to the next level. We're going to have to do something different, and that something different is so unknown. And also we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and especially if the next level is going from where we are to over that level. That one's the trickiest one for most business owners, because we're going to wipe out 20% If you're a UK business, of course, listening to this, you're going to wipe out 20 of your profit literally overnight as soon as you have to register for VAT. So we need to make sure the brain can go quicker to that next level to be able to warrant that. Otherwise we'll just stay stuck.

Vivienne Joy:

Most businesses will stay stuck under the back threshold because just terrified of going over it, or the owners of the business will stay stuck at what they used to earn. They'll stay stuck at the you know, if they earn. I mean I don't even know what's and how old you were. I mean, my first job was £1.19 an hour. That's how old I am. But whatever your salary was then, I did put a reel out last week because I saw a guy talking about that £60,000, this is the time of recording £60,000 was the new normal salary and I just shared it across my social media because it's true. You know, if we started a business 10 years ago, we think 30 grand is a good salary. It's really not now. It's really not. It's not enough to live. And he broke down what he spent and yeah, there was a few that were more than ours and a few that were less, but actually on the whole, I pretty much agreed with what he was saying. So we stay stuck. We stay stuck in what we know.

Vivienne Joy:

It's a bit like we do certain processes in our business. I mean, I have to admit here I've got a spreadsheet I've been doing for 10 years that I probably shouldn't be doing anymore, donna, but it's what I know. I feel like this real kind of safety in this spreadsheet, like if all of a sudden all my systems went down, I've got this spreadsheet. I mean, if the spreadsheet went down I don't know what would happen, but I'm literally. I save it in different places. It's like my, my little safety mechanism.

Vivienne Joy:

There's a part of me that just needs that to be able to let go and grow. So a part of me that just needs that to be able to let go and grow, um, so we need some, some safety. Um. So we've also got fear. But so when we haven't got safety, we've got fear. Like we can't have the two things. They don't sit together.

Vivienne Joy:

So if we haven't got safety, we've got fear, and lots of people say it's fear of failure. In my experience it's not really ever fear of failure, because we're the best will in the world. We've all failed at something relationships, friendships, exams, driving tests and jobs, whatever. Um, I don't know learning to ride a bike, whatever. We've all failed at something, so we know how to handle failure. What we haven't learned to handle is really huge levels of success. We don't really know how to do that. We're used to moaning, worrying thinking, procrastinating, you know, catastrophizing all these things.

Vivienne Joy:

The brain loves problems to solve, so we find loads of problems to solve and actually, if we get into real high levels of success, the brain thinks, well, I won't have anything to solve. I'm not saying any of this is conscious, by the way, because it sounds crazy. Right, we all want a nice, free life where we don't have to worry about anything, and yet actually we don't. The brains not know what that is because we've never had it. So, yeah, the trick is to get the brain to understand it, and this, the biggest hack I can give you for this, is spend as much time in your dream state and when you're in your dream state, just don't think of the positives, think of the negatives.

Vivienne Joy:

I've probably talked about this before. So, like when I run a big event, my, my dream state is all about the event and it's not just oh, won't it be lovely. I'll be stood on a stage in front of you, know, a thousand people, and helping them change their lives and their businesses, and everybody will think it's amazing. The food will be great, you know, the music will all work, the tech will work. I think about what happens if a speaker doesn't turn up. What happens if well? What happens if I don't feel well? What happens if no one comes? What happens if so? My brain will also do both.

Vivienne Joy:

So I'm going to look at the positive and the negative, because that way my brain will go oh well, we've looked at every eventuality, so we're okay, we can do it. We know how to solve it, because the brain wants to be able to solve problems. So if you're thinking about, I don't know, leaving a partner, for example I'm just going to put that out there um, think about all of the different eventualities. If you're thinking about starting a business, stopping a business, dropping a client, I don't know scaling your prices, think about every eventuality, because once the brain has put lots of time into that, it starts to feel as if it's normal. It starts to feel like normal and that's the trick to scaling it needs to feel.

Donna Eade:

Brilliant, brilliant, wonderful. That was so good. I love that, love that, um. And yeah, lots of different things popping off in my head. So I'm sure there's lots of things popping off in your head, guys, don't forget you can ask us questions. In the blogs and on the uh podcast itself, you will find a text me button, um, so you can text us and ask us questions or give us feedback, share your thoughts. We'd love to hear from you, so do share that. And obviously, all of Viv's links are in the show notes. So if you need somebody to help you get to that next level, reach out to Viv and have a conversation. Right? Thank you so much, viv. We will speak to you next week. Bye for now, thank you.

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