Fake History
A satirical look at mysteries/unknown & current affairs from a group of people with a wealth of experience in the "real world" where everything is not always as it seems.......
22 episodes
3 men & the Witchtrials of Salem & Paisley
What is the truth behind the witch-trials in Salem USA & Scotland? We look at when they started & why, some of the key witches accused and their accusers. How where they tortured, why and was there really a dark force that needed to be ...
Season 3
Episode 6

3 men & another Kennedy assassination. A look into the conspiracy around the death of RFK.
A deep-dive into the circumstances of the 2nd Kennedy brother to be assassinated. Was Sirhan Sirhan working alone & if so why has he no memory of the shooting? How do you get 13 bullets from an 8 shot gun? Why did the police burn a bullet r...
Season 3
Episode 5

3 men check in to the "Murder Castle". The horrific true story of HH Holmes
An in depth look into the life & crimes of HH Holmes. The first American serial Killer but was he acting alone? Did he visit London at the same time as the Ripper murders & was he responsible for over 200 deaths in the USA? Was his hote...
Season 3
Episode 3

3 men & a White Fiat. A look at the death of Princess Diana & Dodi Al-Fayed.
A look at the death of Princess Diana & Dodi Al Fayed. Who has tampered with the evidence & why. Who was driving the white Fiat that hit her car & was she right that the security services wanted to kill her....An insight int...
Season 3
Episode 2

3 men & a crystal ball. 2021, Covid, Trump, celebrity deaths & sports predictions. What does the future hold
2021Covid, Trump, celebrity deaths & sports predictions. What does the future hold?
Season 3
Episode 1

3 men go to the moon....... Or DO they?
A look at the moon landings, the evidence, conspiracies and ask, if we did go there, why have we not been back?........
Season 2
Episode 6

3 men & a triple agent, Epstein & Madeleine Mccann. Epstein Pt 2
The finale of our look at Epstein and his backers. Mossad, The Russian state and American officials. Who controls him & who brought him down? We also finally bring to light the links between Freud, the British government and the disappearan...
Season 2
Episode 5

3 men, a private island & the safe of secrets...Jeffrey Epstein Pt 1
Part 1 of a special look at Jeffrey Epstein. Who was he, what was his background and what was the plan. Did he kill himself, was he silenced or is he still alive?
Season 2
Episode 4

3 men and a gremlin look for Amelia Earhart
Searching for the truth in the mysterious disappearance of Amelia Earhart. We look at source material and reports at the time as well as personal letters to decide the truth. Was she drowned, a captured spy or brought down by "Gremlins" (yes re...
Season 2
Episode 3

3 men & a family BBQ
Join us as we look into the mysterious fire & "deaths" (disappearance?) at the Sodder family home in USA 1945. Was it an accident, the mafia seeking revenge, Nazi sympathisers or a father seeking to protect his family. Why were no remains f...
Season 2
Episode 2

3 men, 1 little girl & no baby sitters, the story of Maddie McCann
An examination of the disappearance in of Maddie McCann. What happened? Who is responsible and why has the British Police investigation been so 1 sided? A look at all the theories and possible suspects in the case.
Season 2
Episode 1

3 men go missing from a lighthouse
A look at the mysterious disappearance of 3 lighthouse keepers. Was it an accident, a murder/suicide or something entirely more eerie? Odd links between Dyatlov Pass, Aleister Crowley and the Kings & Lords of hell are discussed. What has ca...
Season 1
Episode 11

3 men search for the Zodiac killer
A look at all the main suspects including a couple of new ones and a possible new link. Was it really the Zodiac killers?
Season 1
Episode 10

3 men hunt the Jack the Ripper
Why has the legacy of Jack the ripper endured & what made him (Makes him?) one of the most terrifying characters in modern history? We look at the main suspects and I make MY case for the prosecution against my favoured suspect.......
Season 1
Episode 9

3 Men, 1 Woman and a load of maybe dead/maybe not famous people
A look at some of the conspiracy theories that say famous dead people are alive (and 1 alive guy who might be dead!!). Features Elvis/Steve Jobs, Tupac, Epstein, and others
Season 1
Episode 8

3 men that REALLY don't matter explain why Black lives MATTER
A very personal look at why Black lives matter, why white people really can't understand why this is so important and how we must all stand up together & turn the tide & course of history.
Season 1
Episode 7

3 men go up Dyatlov Pass
A look at one of the troubling and mysterious group killings in 1959 of 9 Russian students on a skiing expedition. 2 were found with their eyes ripped out & 1 with her tongue. One of our more heated debates and truly remains one of the most...
Season 1
Episode 6

3 men solve JFK. A conspiracy which finally ties the strings together
A look into the JFK assassination. We re-look at forgotten source material, bringing new insight and a groundbreaking new theory into light. Think you have seen and read everything there is to know? Think again...............
Season 1
Episode 5

3 men & a UFO
A look at the UFO phenomenon, are they military? Are we being visited from another planet? Listen to some of the most compelling cases if relatively unknown cases of recent times. Find no answers and lots of questions right here.
Season 1
Episode 4

3 men kill a serial
An overview look at some of the better known serial killers in Britain and what there motivations where & what caused them to be caught. Are they really the worst offenders, or were they in reality just the worst at it allowing them to be c...
Season 1
Episode 3