My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
"My Cabbages!" is An Avatar: The Last Airbender Podcast started by two lovable nerds during a global pandemic to stave off their inevitable existential crisis. How many people does team Avatar accidentally murder? Does Zuko mistreat his interns? Is Aang more of a 5e Druid, or is he a Pathfinder Monk? Where are all the blue tree people? We find answers for all of Avatar's most profoundly unasked questions. Join us, as we journey once more through one of the greatest stories ever told.
My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
53. That Hawk-Goss (ATLA S3E15) (Ft. Haley from TRS!)
Zach and Alex ft Haley!
Season 3
Episode 15
This week we see the conclusion to our big jailbreak plans. Sokka and Zuko prepare the plan while Hakoda hits a man with delicate feelings. Their new meat-shield throws a man into an angry mob, and then the Gaang gets upgraded to a Sport-Utility War Balloon.
This week we sat down with our wonderful friend Haley to dish about her and Alex's favorite episode!
Deus Ex Media
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