My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
"My Cabbages!" is An Avatar: The Last Airbender Podcast started by two lovable nerds during a global pandemic to stave off their inevitable existential crisis. How many people does team Avatar accidentally murder? Does Zuko mistreat his interns? Is Aang more of a 5e Druid, or is he a Pathfinder Monk? Where are all the blue tree people? We find answers for all of Avatar's most profoundly unasked questions. Join us, as we journey once more through one of the greatest stories ever told.
83 episodes
Avatar Duplication Glitch (Korra S1E12) (Ft. Adal Rifai!)
This week, we talk about the big battle. The final showdown of season one. It gets intense, it gets action packed, it gets steamy? Appa gets his own radio talk show and I work my sound-editing fingers into overtime for a few choice bits in this...
Season 4
Episode 12

LGBTQ+ Rep in The Legend of Korra (Pride 2024)
Happy Pride Month, Cabbage Patch! In this special bonus episode Alex takes a deep dive into queer characters in The Legend of Korra and the show’s impact on LGBTQ+ representation in other popular media, specifically content made for yo...
Season 4

11.5) ...If we whip out our d*ck hard enough (KorraS1E11)(Ft. my brother Nick)
We catch up with my aviation nerd brother to talk all things technology and that nifty battle scene from the previous episode.
Season 4

11:) Grift Bending (Korra S1E11)
Just us this time folks! Like the good ol' days! Alex and I mostly complain about exposition dumps along with making some good jokes and doing some good ol'fashion commentary. The stakes are raised, Korra is set to square off with Amon, and the...
Season 1
Episode 11

10.) ROHAN IS HERE! (not the baby) Korra S1E10 (Ft Mary Clay Watt!)
This episode the stakes are being raised as our heroes speed towards the season climax. Will they get away? Will Lin ever not be iconic? Will Mary Clay ever stop simping over General Iroh? The world may never know, unless.... they listen to the...
Season 4
Episode 10

Cascading Kool-Aid Men (Korra S1E9) (Ft. Delia of Black Nerds Create!)
This week, we get some backstory on our villains while Korra is trapped in a box. The team mounts a rescue mission to the wrong villain, and Bolin gets his fly zipped by a metal mommy.Black Nerds ...
Season 4
Episode 9

8.) I KNOW MY DEE! (Korra S1E8) (Ft Robert of the Dam Memes)
On today's episode, Robert returns to talk about this rather heavy episode, air temple BnB, and voice actors. Hijinks ensue!The Gang have relocated to Air Temple Island. Amidst the growing fear and tension, The team tries to rally befor...
Season 4
Episode 8

7.) The Koi Tank (TLOK S1E7) (Ft. Honey!)
This week, our young Entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to republic city business moguls, in the hopes of making it big in the world of capital enterprise!Also Honey is on the show again! Aang didn't shit his pants this time.Check ...
Season 4
Episode 7

6.) Into the Lin-verse (TLOK S1E6) (ft. Pod Daddy Tina!)
This week we have one of our besties on to dish about sports and terrorism. This is an action packed episode with lots to talk about!Pabu is our champion!
Season 4
Episode 6

SHUT UP, BOY! (TLOK S1E5) (Ft Mary Clay Watt!)
This episode, we deal with the deadly points of the Love Rombus. It's prickly, full of delulu and only a little bit toxic! The gang gets their big game and cant stop sniping at each other. The Amon story takes a back seat.... For love. You know...
Season 4
Episode 5

4.) A Love Angle (ft Takenna!) (TLOK S1E4)
The tension is heating up as Korra is coerced by a grown man to join a task force as a teenager that's barely lived outside of a curated compound away from civilization. She challenges Kaiba - er- I mean Amon to a 1v1. What could go wrong? We a...
Season 4
Episode 4

3.) Himbology (TLOK S1E3) (Ft Josh from Super Scary!)
This episode, our golden boi Bolin gets captured by Amon! Will he get out ok? Will his friends find him in time? Will Josh tear into the TV screen and rescue his Korra Husbando single-handedly? Find out on a very gay, very fun discussion about ...
Season 4
Episode 1

2.) Fresh and Juicy (TLOK S1E2) (Ft. Charlie from Of the Eldest Gods!)
Hey friends, This week we catch up with Charlie to nerd out about, oddly enough.... sports, of all things.... This was such a fun one!Korra settles into Air Temple Island and it doesn't take her long to head into the city to play a game...
Season 4
Episode 1

1.) ACAB (All Cops Are Benders) (TLOK S1E1) (Ft. Robert from The Bits!)
WE'RE BACK EVERYONE! After a long hiatus capped with a writers strike, we're finally back to dish about our favorite water tribe Avatar, and all the juicy stuff this season has to offer. FINALLY my little cruciferous lovelies, we're back!
Season 4
Episode 1

Bi-Lin (Pride Bonus!) (Ft Charlie and Christina!)
In this little mid-break bonus, Alex celebrates pride by getting together with some of our queer friends and talking about queer ships in Avatar! They go though all the greats! We're proud to be a part of a fandom that can have a "Cannon Queer ...

60.) This Is My Cabbages! (ATLA S3E21) (Ft. JAMES SIE!!!)
Uuuuh, did I read that title right? wait, I'm writing this post-episode. Did we REALLY get James Sie!? That must be a typo....This is where it all ends folks. (Well at least the first show) We've had so much fun doing this podcast and I...
Season 3
Episode 21

59. Intern Pi-an (ATLA S3E20)
This is it folks! The final stretch! This is the transition episode. Everything here is either set-up or continuation. We get some badass fights and we see the beginning of the final battle from all sides.Classic episode folks. Just the...
Season 3
Episode 20

58.) Basic Cabbitch
Just another week of talking about cruciferous vegetables and gardening. This week we talk our favorite cabbages, and we go through a list of some lesser-known types!
Season 3
Episode 20

57.) @FlameDaddy (ATLA S3E19) (ft. E Forney!)
We're nearing the end now folks. Aang goes on a wayward spirit journey nail-bitingly close to the final battle, where he consults with a bunch of avatars that all tell him the same thing. "You gotta kill that bitch, dude." Meanwhile the Gaang s...
Season 3
Episode 19

56.) Beach, Don't Kill My Vibe (ATLA S3 E18) (Ft Raye from OTEG!)
It's the beginning of the end folks. Join us as we begin this four part epic with our good friend Raye as we talk about Lion Turtles, Fire Family drama, and spend way too much time on Barbie canon. The Gaang sets up for a sandcastle c...
Season 3
Episode 18

55. TLDR; The Gang Goes to a Play (ATLA S3E17) (Ft. Adal Rifai from Hey Riddle Riddle!)
The Gang Goes to a Play. Seriously, that's the description this week. Any more detail and I'd have to summarize the whole series, and we don't do recaps for recaps!We sat down with friend of the show Adal Rifai, and had a great time tal...
Season 3
Episode 17

54. Becoming an Only Child (S3E16) (Ft. Avatar Hour Podcast!)
This week, after narrowly avoiding a confrontation with an absolutely unhinged Azula, Zuko tries to slide into Sokka's DMs to find out what Katara's beef is. With some new information, he and Katara take off and redeem her voucher for one chara...
Season 3
Episode 16

2022: Reclaiming the Cabbage Emoji (End of Year Bonus)
Hey folks, while we schedule future main episodes with awesome guests, here's something to fill the void. Alex and I talk about our most favorite things about the year, we spend a meaty amount of time dishing on Avatar News things, and have a g...
Season 3

53. That Hawk-Goss (ATLA S3E15) (Ft. Haley from TRS!)
This week we see the conclusion to our big jailbreak plans. Sokka and Zuko prepare the plan while Hakoda hits a man with delicate feelings. Their new meat-shield throws a man into an angry mob, and then the Gaang gets upgraded to a Sport-Utilit...
Season 3
Episode 15

52. Boiling Rock Bottom (ATLA S3E14) (Ft. JamieSketches!)
Sup Patch? This week, the long awaited steamy episode, Boiling Rock, Part 1. Zuko and Sokka need some alone time, so they wisk off to a romantic sauna that also happens to be a high-security prison. Sokka seeks to free his friends and family fr...
Season 3
Episode 14