My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
"My Cabbages!" is An Avatar: The Last Airbender Podcast started by two lovable nerds during a global pandemic to stave off their inevitable existential crisis. How many people does team Avatar accidentally murder? Does Zuko mistreat his interns? Is Aang more of a 5e Druid, or is he a Pathfinder Monk? Where are all the blue tree people? We find answers for all of Avatar's most profoundly unasked questions. Join us, as we journey once more through one of the greatest stories ever told.
My Cabbages! An Avatar Podcast
2.) Fresh and Juicy (TLOK S1E2) (Ft. Charlie from Of the Eldest Gods!)
Zach and Alex ft. Charlie
Season 4
Episode 1
Hey friends, This week we catch up with Charlie to nerd out about, oddly enough.... sports, of all things.... This was such a fun one!
Korra settles into Air Temple Island and it doesn't take her long to head into the city to play a game with some hobo brothers (WE STAN) and the greatest animal companion since Momo.
Check out all of our network's awesome pods!
GO LISTEN TO OF THE ELDEST GODS! They're doing the PJO TV show right now and it's GREAT!