Super Mother Unleashed
Super Mother Unleashed Podcast is about Kids Health and Mother’s Lifestyle, hosted by Soma Thakur, one of the Top Mother Coaches in India. She talks about Healthy Cooking, Immunity Boosters, and Day to day problems of struggling Mothers to help them create Empowering ways, Techniques, Natural Home remedies, etc. Tune in to Super Mother Unleashed and let Soma Thakur share her advice on child-mother's health and lifestyle. Soma Thakur is one of the most popular coaches in India, who frequently talks about healthy cooking, immunity boosters, and many day-to-day problems of moms. If you are struggling to nail your motherhood responsibilities and simultaneously achieve your milestones, Super Mother Unleashed is one of the best podcasts for moms to listen to. The show covers everything going behind the curtains of what it takes to be a Super Mother.
Super Mother Unleashed
Learn to express creativity without judgement, fear & perfectionism With Aleksandra Olenka Beyst :SMU62
In this episode, I am having a Conversation with Aleksandra Olenka Beyst, who is a Super Mother, Artist
Soul Art Guide, Eco therapist, and Transformation Entrepreneur. Her mission is to inspire and uplift women through the power of art and self-expression.
Through her online and offline classes and workshops, She provides a safe and supportive space for women to explore their creative side, express their emotions, and connect with their inner wisdom and Soul.
Whether you're a seasoned artist or a beginner, her classes cater to all skill levels. She uses a diverse range of artistic mediums that allow you to find the one that speaks to your soul. As s experienced instructor she guides you through each step, providing inspiration, techniques, and encouragement along the way.
But she can offer more than just classes and courses – it's a community of like-minded women who support and uplift each other. By joining her online platform, you'll have access to our vibrant community forums, where you can share your artwork, connect with fellow artists or creators, and receive feedback and inspiration.
She is connecting with the women on a very deep level and helping them to find their lost voice through art therapy courses she runs in Spain and online.
Here is the list of online courses that she is currently offering, all from the comfort of your home, individually tailored to your time and needs. !
For more details contact her through email at artsoulspain@gmail.com .
She offers;
Individual Soul Art Body Mapping journey. 5 weeks of art therapy Online Zoom workshops.
Art of Loving Yourself. Art therapy, Mixed media, creative writing, nature art therapy program of workshops online.
Painting with Ancestors. Art therapy, Mixed media, creative writing art ritual honoring our ancestors, with its deep wisdom and healing capacity one-off workshop online.
Activating abundance in your life. Art therapy, Mixed media, creative writing, a program of workshops online.
Breaking to awaken. Art therapy, Mixed media, creative writing, one-off workshop online.
Faces of the Soul. Mix media art classes, 4 classes.
Playful flow. Mix media art classes. 4 classes.
Introduction to land art and ritual. Nature art therapy and Land art one-off workshop online.
Last workshop in 2023 in person.
15th Dec.
Return of the Light. Join us for a painting mix media ritual celebrating the Winter solstice!
Aleksandra Olenka Beyst
Soul Art Guide, Art Therapist, and Workshop Facilitator,
0044 7501323837
I had an amazing time interacting with her, talking about her Spain mountain experience, and also very happy to know about her ecosystem-balanced house which is run by Solar power also she has having big Almond plant farm where she grows almonds along with her husband Martin. Since her daughter is surrounded by nature, at a very young age she knows about all herbs.
Request all of you to listen to this episode and share your views or if you have any topics or any thou
Soma Thakur
Motherhood Coach, Lifestyle Educator & Mentor