What's Growing ON?
Digging up the latest dirt on Ontario horticulture production. What's Growing ON? is hosted by Cassandra Russell and Kristy Grigg-McGuffin. This podcast features conversations with crop specialists from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs on production, pest management and other best management practices for fruit, vegetables and specialty crops.
Podcasting since 2020 • 20 episodes
What's Growing ON?
Latest Episodes
Precision Spraying
In this episode, Kristy sits down with OMAFRA's Application Technology Specialist, Jason Deveau to talk sprayer technology. In the first part of the conversation, Jason covers tips, tricks and pieces of advice for sprayer winterization and spri...
Season 3
Episode 2

Neopestalotiopsis & Minor Use
In this episode, Kristy sits down with OMAFRA's Erica Pate (Fruit Crop Specialist) and Katie Goldenhar (Plant Pathologist) to talk about an emerging pest issue in Ontario strawberries, called Neopestalotiopsis. For more information on ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Strawberry Viruses & Pesticide Rainfastness
In this episode, OMAFRA's Fruit Crop Specialist, Erica Pate sits in the horticulture hotseat to talk about the importance of strawberry aphid management to minimize incidence and impact of insect-vectored viruses. Following, Kristy dives ...
Season 2
Episode 9