What's Growing ON?
Digging up the latest dirt on Ontario horticulture production. What's Growing ON? is hosted by Cassandra Russell and Kristy Grigg-McGuffin. This podcast features conversations with crop specialists from Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs on production, pest management and other best management practices for fruit, vegetables and specialty crops.
What's Growing ON?
Managing Pesticide Resistance
Season 2
Episode 3
In this episode, Kristy sits down with OMAFRA's Katie Goldenhar (Plant Pathologist) and Hannah Fraser (Entomologist) to talk about pesticide resistance in horticulture crops and the importance of resistance management. In this episode, we look at the mechanisms behind insecticide and fungicide resistance, how modes of action differ, pesticide classifications and what you can do in your production system to manage resistance.
For more information on pesticide resistance, check out the following resources:
- Fungicide Resistance Action Committee
- Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
- Manage Resistance Now - CropLife Canada
For more updates on Ontario horticulture and educational events, visit:
Have a question or a topic you'd like us to cover? Email us at ONhortcrops@gmail.com
Music: Aspire by Scott Holmes