What's Growing ON?
What's Growing ON?
Strawberry Viruses & Pesticide Rainfastness
In this episode, OMAFRA's Fruit Crop Specialist, Erica Pate sits in the horticulture hotseat to talk about the importance of strawberry aphid management to minimize incidence and impact of insect-vectored viruses. Following, Kristy dives into the waters of pesticide rainfastness to look at some general guidelines around insecticide and fungicide wash-off and how these can assist in decision-making when it comes to what to do following a rain.
For more information on strawberry aphids and their management, check out the following resources:
- Strawberry aphids and their management in Ontario strawberry farms - OMAFRA Factsheet
- Aphids - Strawberry - Ontario CropIPM
- Strawberry virus symptoms - photos of virus symptoms found in Ontario strawberries
For more information on insecticide and fungicide rainfastness, check out the following resources:
- Rainfast characteristics of insecticides on fruit - Michigan State University Extension
- Rainfastness, persistence & performance attributes of insecticides for tree fruit IPM - presentation by Dr John Wise, 2021 OFVC Virtual Educational Series
- How to get the most out of your fungicide sprays - Michigan State University Extension
For more updates on Ontario horticulture and educational events, visit:
Have a question or a topic you'd like us to cover? Email us at ONhortcrops@gmail.com
Music: Aspire by Scott Holmes