Food and Drink Federation (UK) Powers the nation
Regular updates on developments within UK Food & Drink industry.
Food and Drink Federation (UK) Powers the nation
Cranfield University: Extracting value from bread waste
Cranfield University: Extracting value from bread waste
Natalie Verner, FDF’s Senior Sustainability and Environmental Policy Executive talks with Vinod Kumar and Emel Aktas from Cranfield University. The podcast explores how Vinod’s work on valorisation of bread waste can help manufacturers with their surplus, and also touches on the research Cranfield University is doing more widely in this area.
Vinod can be reached via https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/people/dr-vinod-kumar-15955661 and Emel via https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/som/people/professor-emel-aktas-508615
The FDF Podcast is sponsored by Clarke Energy