Reclaiming My Theology
Reclaiming My Theology is a podcast and community taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress. My name is Brandi Miller, some of you know me as @brandinico in online spaces. For over a decade, I have been exploring, unlearing, and reimagining my faith outside of systemic oppression and want to bring you along with me! Each season of the podcast will be a deep dive into a form of systemic oppression and ask how the values of oppressive ideas shape our hearts, minds, politics, and lived experiences. There are so many things to reclaim our theology from: white supremacy, patriarchy and misogyny, capitalism, homophobia, ableism and more. As we launch our first season, we will be reclaiming our theology from white supremacy. Each episode, I will talk to a guest about how the attributes of oppressive ideologies have infiltrated how we see ourselves, each other, and God. We will learn from marginalized communities who practice a different way, and seek to create a more just faith experience together.
Podcasting since 2020 • 113 episodes
Reclaiming My Theology
Latest Episodes
...From Empire: Authoritarianism and Fascism w/ Jarrod McKenna
In this episode Brandi is joined by Jarrod McKenna to lay a primer foundation about authoritarianism and fascism in the Christian worldview and what we can do to come back to the way of Jesus. You can find Jarrod's work
Season 7
Episode 8
...From Empire: Desire and Resistance w/ Tracey Gee
In this episode, Brandi is joined by Tracey Gee to talk about the necessity of knowing our desires in the midst of empire. They talk about how unlearning the theology and practices that many of our communities offered us might help us to be mor...
Season 7
Episode 7
...from Empire: Evangelism w/ David Gate
In this episode, Brandi is joined by poet and creative David Gate to talk about evangelism and the ways the modern western approaches to it prime Christians toward colonialism, accepting propaganda, ...
Season 7
Episode 6
...from Empire: Soul Care and Empire w/ Hailey Mitsui
In the episode Brandi is joined by Hailey Mitsui of Soul Reparations to talk about how we can sustain and give attention the well-being of our souls in the midst of ever-loudening imperial realities.OUR 2024 ADVENT DEVOTIONAL ALL OF...
Season 7
Episode 5
...From Empire: State Violence w/ Cassie Chee
In this episode, Brandi sits down with activist Cassie Chee to talk about how state violence is developed, normalized, and can be resisted in the Christian imagination and in our politics. If you like what you hear you can subscribe, ra...
Season 7
Episode 4