Reclaiming My Theology

...From Purity Culture: Militarism w/ Camille Hernandez

Season 6 Episode 21
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00:00:00 | 01:07:25

*note- due to a technical glitch, Brandi's audio clips and cuts a bit, our apologies for the technical issues and thank you for your patience.


In this episode Brandi is joined by author, theologian, and poet Camille Hernandez to talk about the ways that military metaphors and ideologies shape how we are taught to engage with our own bodies, romance, and sex. They discuss the ways that violence is folded into the core of how many of us were taught to think about these things. 

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Reclaiming My Theology is recorded, produced and edited by Brandi Miller, our music is by Sanchez Fair. 

Taking our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress.