Red Whale Primary Care Pod
Welcome to the Primary Care Pod from Red Whale – join GPs Nik Kendrew and guests as each month they discuss a roundup of four key topics for primary care clinicians, which can also be found in our popular free Pearls.
We look at the evidence, the guidelines and the media coverage and make learning together as a primary care community as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. We invite you to nominate your primary care heroes and share your best intentions stories. So, grab a cuppa or put on your trainers and head out for some fresh air whilst you enjoy this month’s podcast.
We'd love to hear your feedback by email - podcast@redwhale.co.uk or leave us a voice message - https://www.speakpipe.com/RedWhalePrimaryCarePod
Podcasting since 2020 • 33 episodes
Red Whale Primary Care Pod
Latest Episodes
Fast steps: the evidence about dance for health, and supporting patients through Ramadan
Grab your trainers, your dog lead, your dancing shoes or a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. In the first of two episodes this month, Ali, Nik and sp...
Season 3
Episode 5

Something we never want to miss, and something we might have missed... cauda equina syndrome, and the new NICE guidance on menopause- any changes to our practice?
Grab your trainers, your dog lead, or a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. In the second of two episodes this month, Fiona and Nik discuss: <...
Season 3
Episode 4

Do physical activity monitors actually help us get moving?
Grab your trainers, your dog lead, or a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. In the first of two episodes this month, Fiona and Nik discuss:
Season 3
Episode 3

The wellbeing episode- supporting ourselves, family members and patients
Grab your trainers, your dog lead, or a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. In the second of two episodes this month, Ali and Nik discuss:
Season 3
Episode 2

Spotting pertussis and antibiotic prophylaxis for STIs
Grab your trainers, your dog lead, or a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. In the first of two episodes this month, Ali and Nik discuss: <...
Season 3
Episode 1