Red Whale Primary Care Pod
Welcome to the Primary Care Pod from Red Whale – join GPs Nik Kendrew and guests as each month they discuss a roundup of four key topics for primary care clinicians, which can also be found in our popular free Pearls.
We look at the evidence, the guidelines and the media coverage and make learning together as a primary care community as relaxing and enjoyable as possible. We invite you to nominate your primary care heroes and share your best intentions stories. So, grab a cuppa or put on your trainers and head out for some fresh air whilst you enjoy this month’s podcast.
We'd love to hear your feedback by email - podcast@redwhale.co.uk or leave us a voice message - https://www.speakpipe.com/RedWhalePrimaryCarePod
Red Whale Primary Care Pod
In which scenario should you NEVER use a pulse oximeter?
Grab a cuppa and join us for some free CPD as we have another relaxed round up of recent Red Whale primary care Pearls of wisdom. This month, Nik and Caroline discuss:
- Galleri: will this blood test revolutionise cancer diagnosis? We review the evidence behind it and ask: How effective is it when cancer is suspected, and how effective is it for population screening?
- Sore throat and tonsilitis: All you ever wanted to know! Do you know when we should refer for tonsillectomy?
- Carbon monoxide poisoning: it’s rare but easily missed. Would you be able to spot patterns in the history to make the diagnosis?
- Our free video bytes! We’ve given away 6 bytes in our Pearl email- over 45 minutes of free video CPD including infantile haemangioma, shoulder examination, hoarding disorder, serotonin syndrome, cancer: early diagnosis, and short stature. We discuss what leapt out at us from each one.
All of the above questions will be answered during the episode. Listen as soon as you can to ensure you have full access to all the free resources.
And hear about a home visit with a canine catheter catastrophe!!
FeverPain score:
Centor Score:
ENT UK Commissioning Guide: Tonsillectomy 2021 :
Send us your feedback podcast@redwhale.co.uk or send a voice message
Sign up to receive Pearls here. Pearls are available for 3 months from publish date. After this, you can get access them plus 100s more articles when you buy a one-day online course from Red Whale OR sign up to Red Whale Unlimited. Find out more here.
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Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure the information in this podcast is accurate and correct at the date of publication, but it is of necessity of a brief and general nature, and this should not replace your own good clinical judgement, or be regarded as a substitute for taking professional advice in appropriate circumstances. In particular, check drug doses, side-effects and interactions with the British National Formulary. Save insofar as any such liability cannot be excluded at law, we do not accept any liability for loss of any type caused by reliance on the information in this podcast.