The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
A Psychology and Schema Therapy Podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry, two schema therapists from Sydney, Australia. In this podcast we take an in-depth look at the common issues their clients bring to therapy and offer listeners new ways to think about their own lives and the people around them. With a mixture of conversations, meditations, case studies and interviews, these two experienced psychotherapists & coaches bring you plenty to think about and loads of valuable ideas and practical tips. Dr. Gemma Gladstone, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor (ISST). BA (Hons) GradDip (Psychotherapy); Cert (Clin Hypnosis); PhD (UNSW). Dr. Justine Corry BSocSc (Hons); MSocSc; MPsychol(Clin); PhD (UNSW). Artwork by Nigel Sanft
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
93. Why am I surrounded by Narcissists?
Get the Free Guide on Breaking the toxic ties of Narcissistic parents
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In this episode Gemma discusses what puts people at risk of having narcissistic friends. What are some of the schemas that play a role in this? What can you do if you realise that you have 1 too many self-absorbed people in your life? It can feel demoralizing and you might feel like giving up. Gemma then discusses ways for taking care of yourself and increasing your social contact with others.
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Email: hello@theredflagproject.com
Resources for women to break free from negative relationship patterns and avoid red-flag relationships.