The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
A Psychology and Schema Therapy Podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry, two schema therapists from Sydney, Australia. In this podcast we take an in-depth look at the common issues their clients bring to therapy and offer listeners new ways to think about their own lives and the people around them. With a mixture of conversations, meditations, case studies and interviews, these two experienced psychotherapists & coaches bring you plenty to think about and loads of valuable ideas and practical tips. Dr. Gemma Gladstone, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor (ISST). BA (Hons) GradDip (Psychotherapy); Cert (Clin Hypnosis); PhD (UNSW). Dr. Justine Corry BSocSc (Hons); MSocSc; MPsychol(Clin); PhD (UNSW). Artwork by Nigel Sanft
112. Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: Six Questions to Help You Reconnect with Yourself

111. Seven Deadly Sins of the Narcissistic Dater: Red Flags You Can’t Ignore

110. Q&A: Understanding Emotional Availability and Narcissistic Family Challenges

109. When Family Ties Hurt: Navigating Estrangement and Difficult Relationships

108. Which Life Script Do You Want to Let Go of This Year?

ENCORE + More: 73. Six Strategies for dealing with difficult relatives over the Holidays

107. The Guilt Game: Inside The Martyr Mode

106. Healthy Adult Daily Practice: An Intentional Reflection Tool

105. 7 Essential Characteristics of the Healthy Adult Mode

104: The Good, the Bad and the Bond: Understanding Trauma Bonding.

103. A Deep Dive into the Self-Sacrifice Schema

ENCORE. Dating with an abandonment schema: Coping with triggers

102. Dating Without Fear: 8 Common Anxieties and How to Overcome Them

Exciting Opportunity for Women: Ready for a Fresh Approach to Dating?

ENCORE: 41. Dating with an Abandonment Schema Part 1

ENCORE + more: Dating Fatigue - How To Stay Hopeful!

101. Is Hook-Up Culture Affecting Your Self-Worth?

100. The Mailbox: Hidden in Plain Sight: Recognizing Red Flags You Can’t Ignore

99. The Mailbox - The Hidden Costs of Casual Sex: Unpacking the Abandonment Schema

98. The Entitlement Trap: Understanding the Schema That Sabotages Relationships

97. This Hidden Schema Sabotages Success: Unmasking the Failure Schema

96. Break-up Recovery: Can we really ever get 'Closure'?

95. A Schema Therapy Take on Defensiveness & How to Reduce it.