The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
A Psychology and Schema Therapy Podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry, two schema therapists from Sydney, Australia. In this podcast we take an in-depth look at the common issues their clients bring to therapy and offer listeners new ways to think about their own lives and the people around them. With a mixture of conversations, meditations, case studies and interviews, these two experienced psychotherapists & coaches bring you plenty to think about and loads of valuable ideas and practical tips. Dr. Gemma Gladstone, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor (ISST). BA (Hons) GradDip (Psychotherapy); Cert (Clin Hypnosis); PhD (UNSW). Dr. Justine Corry BSocSc (Hons); MSocSc; MPsychol(Clin); PhD (UNSW). Artwork by Nigel Sanft
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
ENCORE + more: Dating Fatigue - How To Stay Hopeful!
Special Announcements:
- New Group Coaching Program: "Date Differently": A 6-week online group coaching program designed to help women build self-trust, set boundaries, and date with confidence. Starts November 6th. SIGN UP BEFORE 26TH OCT AND SAVE!
- Signature Course – The Red Flag Project: This newly updated course covers schemas, red flags, and how to recognize unavailable partners. It’s recommended to take the course before joining the coaching program to get the most out of the sessions. Access it here. Special limited time discount code: HERBESTLIFE
How to Connect for relationship & dating content:
- Website: The Red Flag Project
- Email: JustineandGemma@goodmood.com.au
- Instagram: theredflagprojectofficial
Summary: In this replay of a popular episode, Gemma and Justine discuss the often-exhausting experience of dating fatigue. They explore why dating can feel so draining, particularly when navigating dating apps, dealing with rejection, or repeatedly encountering emotionally unavailable partners. Whether you're re-entering the dating world after a long-term relationship or have faced a series of short-term connections that haven’t worked out, this episode offers helpful insights into handling the ups and downs of dating.
Gemma and Justine emphasize the importance of social support and authenticity in dating, encouraging listeners to remain grounded and true to themselves. They also dive into common dating mistakes, such as ignoring red flags or putting on personas to appear "perfect" or easygoing. They remind listeners that staying true to yourself is key to building lasting, meaningful connections.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding Dating Fatigue: It's normal to feel exhausted or discouraged when dating, especially after repeated disappointments or endless swiping on apps. Acknowledge that dating can be a "numbers game," but also
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The Red Flag Project
Email: hello@theredflagproject.com
Resources for women to break free from negative relationship patterns and avoid red-flag relationships.