The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
A Psychology and Schema Therapy Podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry, two schema therapists from Sydney, Australia. In this podcast we take an in-depth look at the common issues their clients bring to therapy and offer listeners new ways to think about their own lives and the people around them. With a mixture of conversations, meditations, case studies and interviews, these two experienced psychotherapists & coaches bring you plenty to think about and loads of valuable ideas and practical tips. Dr. Gemma Gladstone, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor (ISST). BA (Hons) GradDip (Psychotherapy); Cert (Clin Hypnosis); PhD (UNSW). Dr. Justine Corry BSocSc (Hons); MSocSc; MPsychol(Clin); PhD (UNSW). Artwork by Nigel Sanft
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
96. Break-up Recovery: Can we really ever get 'Closure'?
Special Announcements:
- New Group Coaching Program: "Date Differently": A 6-week online group coaching program designed to help women build self-trust, set boundaries, and date with confidence. Starts November 6th. SIGN UP BEFORE 26TH OCT AND SAVE!
- Signature Course – The Red Flag Project: This newly updated course covers schemas, red flags, and how to recognize unavailable partners. It’s recommended to take the course before joining the coaching program to get the most out of the sessions. Access it here. Special limited time discount code: HERBESTLIFE
Episode Summary: In this episode, Gemma Gladstone tackles a listener's question about break-up recovery and the elusive concept of closure. Drawing from her extensive experience as a therapist over the last 25 years, she provides practical advice on healing after a painful breakup, what to do and what not to do as well as managing lingering feelings.
Key Points:
- Introduction to Listener's Question:
- A listener, referred to as "Lisa," shares her experience of a difficult breakup with a partner who exhibited love-bombing behavior.
- Lisa is conflicted about seeking closure by expressing her feelings to her ex versus moving on without further contact.
- Understanding Love Bombing:
- Gemma explains the dynamics of love bombing and its association with narcissistic traits.
- The importance of recognizing red flags early in relationships.
- Healing Tips Post-Breakup:
- No Contact Rule: Avoid all forms of contact with the ex-partner, including social media, to facilitate healing.
- Avoid Rumination: Recognize and interrupt patterns of overthinking and counterfactual thinking to prevent emotional stagnation.
- Validate Your Emotions: Acknowledge and accept your feelings of grief and sadness as a natural part of the healing process.
- Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:
- Techniques to become aware of and manage unhelpful thoughts.
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The Red Flag Project
Email: hello@theredflagproject.com
Resources for women to break free from negative relationship patterns and avoid red-flag relationships.