First Street Meat Company
We're a podcast by a couple of butchers who just wanna talk about meat. We don't have a real shop, but we love to talk shop. Join us every week for stories, interviews, and deep dives in to meat related topics.
38 episodes
The Loyal Legion with Special Guest Travis Berwald
We sit down with Travis Berwald to reminisce about the World Butcher's Challenge and all the wonderful people we met along the way.

Chris and I sit down to chat about customers, new life events, and Chris' unnatural love for System Of A Down's Toxicity.

Big Dog Energy With Special Guest Dustin Dahlin
They boys sit down with Dustin Dahlin and talk about opening his brand new butcher shop. We talk supply chain issues, nuts and bolts, and building businesses that better our communities.

Big Kahuna Burger with Special Guest Bryan Mayer
Chris and I are joined by the one and only Bryan Mayer to chat about his storied career, his current project, and the World Butcher's Challenge.

Service, Please! Episode 3: East Side Sushi (2014)
The boys sit down to discuss the movie East Side Sushi. We talk about giving people knives, English as a second language, discrimination, and of course, how this movie is a allegory for the Vietnam War.

Service, Please! Episode 2: Burnt (2015)
We sit down to discuss Burnt, the classic tale of chef's rise from exile to excellence. We talk about addiction, stress, food, and of course, how this movie is an allegory for the Vietnam War.

Service, Please! Episode 1: Ratatouille (2007)
The boys sit down to discuss the 2007 animated film Ratatouille, the Vietnam War, and murder most foul...

Service Please!
A quick intro on what your about to see drop into the podcast feed. They won't be FSMC episodes, but rather three episodes of a short lived podcast about food in film that Chris and I did with our friend Greg Waite.

Much Ado About Nothing
Chris and I sit down to chat about, well, nothing in particular. We chat about how work's going, the World Butchers Challenge, and how Short Round needs to be in the new Indiana Jones movie.
Season 2
Episode 7

Cold Case Files with Special Guest Chris Gallardo
Chris and I sit down with other Chris to talk about our philosophies regarding setting a meat case. We talk about which way the fat goes, making things easy for our customers, and give away a couple dirty little secrets.

Giving Thanks
Ok, ok so we're a little late, but Chris and I sat down to chat about Thanksgiving, turkey shortages, and the sheer volume of coffee we consume.

Slow Ride
A while back, Chris and I sat down to talk about the slow times at work. We discuss staying busy, ordering, and our stances on the existence of dragons
Season 2
Episode 4

Big Little Lies
Chris and I sit down to chat about the Belcampo Incident. Or, Belcampgate, or something. We talk about honesty the counter, the importance of customer education, and pitch our idea for a movie about a slam dunking baby

Training Day with Special Guest Anthony Ryan Ortiz
We sit down with Anthony Ortiz to discuss the topic of training. How we were trained, how we train apprentices, and how Chris hasn't seen one single Vietnam war movie.
Season 2
Episode 2

Back in the Saddle
The boys are back for Season 2! Come on down to the shop as we talk about this wild start to the year, Chris' fancy new meat department, and whether or not real men sit down to pee.
Season 2
Episode 1

This American Butcher with Special Guest Travis Stockstill
Chris and I sit down with the illustrious Travis Stockstill (@americanbutcher) and chat about slaughter work, radical water sports, Team USA, and working toward training the future of the industry.

War Stories 3: Thanksgiving Edition with Special Guests Chris Gallardo and Paul Martinez
Chris and Paul stop by the shop to share some Thanksgiving war stories. We talk about spatchcocking turkeys, injuries, and panicked customers.

Where is The Line?
Chris and I sit down to discuss why things get so blue in the meat department. We talk about dick jokes, sexual harassment, male bonding, and where exactly is the line for taking things too far.

Frank-enstein's Butcher with Special Guest Frank Dorame Jr.
Chris and sit down with Frank Dorame to talk about building a business, his life long career in the meat industry, and tell couple holiday war stories.

On Food and Porn
Something a little different this week. Chris and I sit down to talk about the movie Chef (2014) and about the nature of food porn. We review the movie, talk about the realities of food trucks, and Chris explains exactly how much mayo is ...

Pearls of Wisdom with Special Guest Adam Kelly
Chris and I sit down with Adam Kelly to discuss whole animal butchery, managing a small shop, and of course, Peal Jam

Favorites and Pet Peeves
Chris and I sit down to discuss a few of our favorite things, and a few of our least favorite things. We talk about favorite cuts, recipes, and Mulan.