Socket - Plug Into You
Socket helps you plug into YOU and unplug from things that no longer serve you. It helps you find your voice and self-esteem while learning to say no and set boundaries when necessary. If living a life of authenticity, kindness and confidence is something you are looking for, you are in the right place and I am glad that you are here!
100 episodes
100th Episode with Patti Minglin!
Wow! This is my 100th Episode of The Socket Podcast! When I set out to tape a podcast 3+ years ago, I really had no idea what I was doing or what it would look like. 100 episodes in and I am so proud of what Socket has become, the incredible pe...

Get Busy Living: Part 2
My husband and I recently watched (and loved!) Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones and I wanted to share the overall concepts they determined helped us live a long, happy, healthy life! With my just turned 50, get busy living philosophy this...

Taking Risks, Overcoming Obstacles & Being a Dad with Jake Kilts!
I don't have many guys on the Socket Podcast but Jake Kilts is, hands down, one of my favorite men I know so I wanted to share his wisdom with all of you. We met in 2015 and quickly knew we were each other's "people!" Jake and his amazing wife...

Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying
I just turned 50! Fifty! Not sure how that happened and I certainly don't feel 50 and overall I am feeling pretty damn great. I decided to put together a quick list of my top 10 life lessons at the "half way" point and thought I would share. Wh...

Life Boost with Nicolle Lamb
On this episode, Nicolle Lamb joins Dr. Cathy as they talk about life choices, staying positive, giving grace and living your very best life. Nicolle is the CEO of Lane Marketing and Wings Coaching, as well as the author of the Boost Life Book!...

Pelvic Floor Fun with Leena Bird!
Leena Bird, a pelvic floor physical therapist, joins Dr. Cathy on this episode of the Socket Podcast to discuss all of the things! Pee, Poo, Sex - nothing is off the table. We are sure some of your questions about incontinence, pain during sex ...

Unapologetic with Tammy Helfrich
In this episode, Cathy invites Tammy Helfrich of Tammy Helfrich Coaching on the show to discuss how to be unaplogetically you and love the life you create for yourself! Tammy shares her journey of writing her first book, Unapologetic, with us a...

Happy 2022 from Dr. Cathy
We are a few weeks into 2022 and there is no better time to check in with yourself and see if you are living with intention. Making this new year your best one yet is within your reach!Watch the full podcast episode

The Perfectly Out of Balance Life with John Andrade
John Andrade of the Go 4 CEO podcast joins Dr. Cathy for this dynamic conversation about life, balance and identity. John shares that much of his success has come from finding mentors, really listening and then implementing their suggestions in...

Resiliency, Coping Mechanisms & Identity with Dr. Cipra and Susan Barnes
Growing up isn't easy these days. Between social media pressures, keeping up with school and managing tween and teenage emotions, many of our children are struggling. On this episode, Dr. Alli Cipra and Susan Barnes, the co-founders of GRIT, jo...

Life Balance - Is it possible?
On this episode, Dr. Cathy talks about life balance, October's element of health. People talk about it, want it and try to achieve it daily, but is it even possible? Cathy gives her take on the topic and shares a few helpful tips!Watch t...

So you think you might be getting divorced with Claudio Gallo.
Claudia Gallo of the Beermann Family Law Firm joins Dr. Cathy on this episode about divorce. No one gets married hoping to get divorced but what do you do if you are thinking about starting the process or you believe your spouse will be? Claudi...

Emotional Health with Amanda Kunzer
Amanda Kunzer, the Director of Operations for Good Therapy, joins Dr. Cathy on this episode to discuss Emotional Health. Emotional Health is September's element of the month and something that is near and dear to Amanda's heart. We discuss the ...

Lessons from 1 year of taping a podcast!
Today is the 1 year anniversary of The Socket Podcast launch! Hard to believe I have been down in my basement studio taping for that long! Today, I share some of the lessons I have learned over this time. I am proud of the 85+ episodes I have c...

Feeling out of balance?
After a little break from podcasting (and trying her best not to feel guilty about that!), Dr. Cathy jumps back in to discuss how she has been feeling a little bit out of balance. Work projects, over committing to things and life had her ...

Bedrooming - it is not what you think!
Have you ever had a crazy busy week (or month) and just need a freakin' break? Dr. Cathy suggests a day of "bedrooming!" The term, coined by her fiance' Jason, isn't what you may think! Watch the full podcast video

I see you!
In this episode of The Socket Podcast, Dr. Cathy talks about intentionally making sure that people in your life know that you "see them." If they go out of their way to help, are working extra hard, or are going through a rough time....ju...

Financial Health with Danielle Dahn
Dr. Cathy is joined by Danielle Dahn, a financial advisor at Savant Wealth Management to discuss financial health, this month's element of health! Danielle helps break down topics such as emergency funds, retirement planning, education and esta...

Judging People For Yourself
How many times have you heard others talking negatively about someone else and trusted what they said - only to find out later they have been talking about you the same way. I am a big believer in judging people with your own two eyes and not f...

Lean Into Your Strengths
We all have strengths and weaknesses! Which one should we work on though. Should we double down on our talents or try to make our weaknesses stronger? Watch the full podcast video HERE<...

Believing in Yourself
Life can be stressful and believing in yourself isn't always easy. It is easy to get in a rut or in a funk and not feel sure of yourself. In this episode, Dr. Cathy talks about making sure the little voices in your head is filling you with hope...

Lessons Learned Through The Pandemic with Patti Minglin
We recently hosted our first in-person networking luncheon for The Branch Moms Community and had Patti Minglin from Go Girl Communications join us as our speaker. She went over her top 5 takeaways from the past year that she thinks are importan...

Coparenting After Divorce
No one walks down the aisle hoping get divorced. How do you best co-parent with your now ex-spouse? This topic can be a tough one, but Cathy shares her best practices for putting those kids you love first!