My Business is Your Business: Podcasts with Louis Feuer on Programs for Building Revenues

Valuable Strategies for Upselling: Stop Leaving Money on the Table

August 12, 2021 Louis Feuer, Nationally known business educator - with a dynamic presentation!
My Business is Your Business: Podcasts with Louis Feuer on Programs for Building Revenues
Valuable Strategies for Upselling: Stop Leaving Money on the Table
Show Notes

Do you want a large fry for 20 cents more?  Upselling has generated millions of dollars for companies and it can work for you.  Louis helps you understand the value of incorporating upselling strategies in your staff training and build your revenues by customer.   Once you learn about sharing options, increasing product sales and bringing more value, - you will see an increase in your income.  Upselling is a no cost opportunity to increase revenues.  It has made millions for Burger King and next time you are upsold a product you will never forget the strategies learned from this program.  Share this unique program with your entire sales and customer service staff.