Fran Lung Analytics

Should CrossFit have a Pro Card?

Fran Lung

We have thrown this idea around but when Dani Speegle  brought it up on a Kettlebells and Cocktails  podcast we decided we wanted to flush out what a Pro Card Status could look like. 

Dave breaks down why we think it would be a good idea for the sport of CrossFit and the elite athletes at the beginning.  At about 3:45 he gets into the criteria that we would use and the athletes that would be on those lists.

A Lifetime, 3 Year, 2 Year and 1 Year Pro Athlete status in Crossfit would get an athlete a direct to Semifinals invite. This status could also be used for offseason competitions to remove the need for Pro athletes to do qualifiers and allow competition organizers some lists to choose from when selecting athletes to invite to their compeitions.